Slimming Spell

A huge number of women dream of a slim figure. In order to get rid of excess weight they are ready for much: someone starves themselves, someone spends a lot of time in the gym, and someone decides to surgery or other extreme methods. After long attempts to cope with excess weight, women begin to think about seeking help from the Higher Powers. Slimming spells do not require special magical skills and powers. The most important thing is to believe in the success of rituals and words spoken.

Spell Rules

The main thing to remember is that the use of black magic spells for weight loss is at least an effective way, but it is quite dangerous and you only need to use it last. To conspiracies and spells to lose weight acted necessary to spend them in a certain period of time on the waning moon. As for the days of the week, it is better to choose Monday or Friday and conduct the ritual at sunset.

Examples of strong weight loss spells

  1. A spell to lose weight on herbal tea. For the ritual, you need to take any herbal tea. Brew it and cool it to a warm state, then say a spell to it: "Water, you cleanse the roots, flush the ground, wash me of fat, remove excess weight from my bones, and give me harmony and health . " Repeat the words 7 times.
  2. A spell to lose weight on an apple. For him you will need a medium-sized apple red, a glass bowl, holy water, a knife and a candle. First, light a candle, take an apple and with a knife try to cut out the contours of your figure on it. Put it in glassware and pour it completely with holy water. Place the bowl on the window sill so that moonlight is on the water and the apple. After all the manipulations you need to say the following words: "Night, moon and holy water! In this apple my will! Defame him with your strength! Drain your will with my strength! What would I not get fat, What would I lose weight, That I was slim is my will! " .
  3. A spell of white magic for weight loss on a glass of water. This plot has one feature, during its conduct, the moon should be clearly visible. After taking a glass of water and looking at the moon, say the following words: "The moon is on the decline - I'm losing weight." The moon has beautiful horns - a slim body for me. "In my word, it's your moon's business . " After that, you need to drink water. The spell must be pronounced 9 times in a row within 9 days.