Wangi's advice on love

During his lifetime, a huge number of people came to Vanga, seeking help. Healer saved from various diseases, helped to cope with existing problems, improve financial situation and find your soul mate. Wang's golden advice how to find happiness is not a secret, and today everyone can use them. It is worth noting that the healer has repeatedly said that only sincere and kind people can count on help from her spells and advice, whose heart is open for love.

Vanga's advice how to attract love

At first glance, the recommendations given by the healer may seem simple and trivial, but in fact they do work. Vanga always and everywhere said that the main purpose of a woman is the birth and upbringing of children. That is why in the first place, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity should have love and family, and not money, career, etc. Vanga's advice how to find the soul mate is very simple - listen to your heart and give only worthy men. However, a woman should never complain about her husband, because this is her choice. Divorces healer generally dismissed, because in her opinion the most important - to save the family. Wanga said that apostasy from the family always entails various problems, but work and patience will always be rewarded.

Wang's advice on love also includes the use of a simple plot that will help attract a particular man. The ritual must be performed on Saturday night and for him it is worth preparing a photo of the object of adoration. Sit next to the window, light the church candle, press the image to your lips and whisper these words nine times:

"The dark dawn rises, the strength in my house comes with it. I will summon a melancholy black from the swamps of the dead. I will call mortal sorrow from the wells of rotten ones. The power of my word will not come through the door, not the gate. My thoughts will make their way to you by unknown paths, dark holes. Do not be free to see you anymore and look at me with love. Let there be power in my words. May it be so. Amen".

The next step is to drop a candle wax on the photo and place it under the pillow. The candle should not be extinguished, let it completely burn. It is necessary to conduct the ceremony for nine weeks.