A plot for successful trading

Trade people have been involved for more than one century, so it is not surprising that from ancient times to the present day many different rituals for successful trading have come down. They can be used not only by people working in this field, but also willing to sell, for example, their car or apartment.

Strong conspiracies for successful trading have their own peculiarities and rules. First, it is best to read magical words on the waning moon at dawn, at noon or until sunset. Secondly, for the rite of commerce, it is best to choose Wednesday or Saturday. Thirdly, great importance has faith in a positive result, since any doubt will be a serious barrier.

Plot for a broom for trade

To conduct a simple ritual for luck and money, you need to buy a new broom . They need to sweep their own store or workplace, moving from the far corner to the exit. During this it is necessary to read such a conspiracy:

"I sweep away all the failures, illnesses and lack of money. With this broom and rubbish all the misfortunes and troubles will leave me. "

Formed garbage must be burned in the street, and a broom to throw out at the crossroads. It is important to return home at once and not to look back.

A plot to trade in Ilin Day

This universal ritual will attract material possessions, which means that the goods will be sold at a high speed. Take a few handfuls of poppies and read on them such a plot:

"Generous Ilya, take my poppy, let him give me a nickle. And that tens, that there were in a house of a prosperity ยป.

Then scatter the poppy in the workplace, after a few minutes, all the sweep and gather in a pouch, which must be stored before Makovey (August 14). When the time comes, grab out the grains, wash and use for baking.

A plot for luck in trading

A simple ritual will help to establish a workflow and increase profits. For him, you should prepare an old rag, which you need to wipe off the dust from the workplace and say these words:

"A lone beggar, famously unsaleable, do not touch me, do not touch my commodity!

Get away from me, away from here on the water, through the forest, along the swamp,

Do not call me with you, take the dead cancer and lie under the log.

So as not to know poverty for me, do not keep my goods,

Poverty and poverty send away, a rag all the misfortunes and failures sweep!

Strength, water, language.


Conspiracy repeat three times, and throw a rag in the nearest pond outside the city. Actually the ritual begins almost immediately.

A plot for successful trading, to sell "stale" goods

There are situations when some product has been lying on the shelf for a long time, and no one even looks at it. In this case, you can successfully sell it, without using discounts and other special offers. For the ritual, you must go to the forest and find a smooth anthill. With your hands, scoop up part of it with the branches and ants and put in a bag that you take to the place where the goods are stored. Branches and soil need to sprinkle old goods and say the seller's conspiracy to a successful trade:

"How many ants in that house, as many buyers have gone to me, God. Amen".

Repeat the ritual until all the stale goods are sold.