Crystalline camphor with cancer

Camphor is extracted from camphor tree, which grows in Japan, China and Taiwan. From the trunk, crushed into powder and processed in special apparatuses, oil is obtained. It also becomes the basis for crystalline camphor, used in cancer and many other diseases. How useful is this substance, it was still known in ancient times. It is still popular today.

Useful properties of crystalline camphor

The substance has a mass of medicinal properties. Oil, for example, is added to many antitussive aerosols. The latter, among other things, are fighting with inflammation and pain in the throat , which subsequently appear in many diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Earlier, crystals were often used as a cardiovascular agent, enhancing metabolic processes and increasing the sensitivity of the organ to the impulses of the central nervous system.

Camphor from cancer

If you ask the doctors if camphor is related to the treatment of oncology, they will answer you with a resolute "No". Indeed, traditional medicine does not recognize this method categorically. But this does not mean that the treatment of cancer with camphor is impossible.

Traditional medicine knows a lot of examples when desperate patients, in the case with which traditional methods of therapy turned out to be powerless, found salvation precisely in curative crystals.

The use of camphor against cancer is quite simple. All you need is ten grams of crystals to pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Healing medicines can easily be bought in almost any pharmacy. Allow the mixture to stand for a while. Ready medicine will be considered when all the crystals completely dissolve. To accelerate this process, gently shake the medicine bottle every day.

Apply camphor for treatment even easier. Wet gauze in the resulting homogeneous liquid and apply to the site of the tumor. Duration of treatment - ten days, after which you need to make a five-day break.

If the neoplasm is hidden in the internal organ, you can try treatment with Bromcomamphor tablets in combination with Magnesia. This is a more complex therapy, therefore, only a specialist should give the go-ahead to it - the doctors usually treat the pills with more condescension.

It is important to understand that camphor crystals do not themselves fight cancer, they only help in the treatment, but they do it very effectively.