What is useful cherry?

A delicious berry cherry - a favorite since childhood delicacy. Many know that it contains a large number of vitamins, but the question is, what else is useful for cherries, not everyone can answer. But there are a lot of valuable properties for this plant.

Composition and useful properties of cherries

Mistresses like cherries for the fact that it can be harvested for future use in many different ways: to cook jam, compotes, jams, confiture and jam. Berries can simply be dried or frozen, then they retain most of the nutrients. First of all, it's vitamins: C, A, PP, H, B vitamins. In addition, cherries contain pectins, fruit sugar, valuable acids and trace elements: magnesium, potassium, sodium , iodine, fluorine, etc. Also there are rare enzymes and anthocides.

On the question of how useful cherry for the body, experts respond that it is a universal vitamin preparation and biologically active substances. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect, improves the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of cancer, slows down the aging of the body, removes excess fluid and reduces swelling. Cherry juice also optimizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract, raises the level of hemoglobin.

What is useful for women?

Useful properties of cherry berries make it an indispensable product in the menu of the beautiful half of humanity. It is necessary during pregnancy, because it is a source of folic acid . Also, the berry helps to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. And cherry is an excellent cosmetic means - it can be used to make home skin masks, scrubs, hair rinses. This sweet delicacy can be used by those who want to lose weight, because the cherry contains only 52 kcal per 100 grams.