Family curse - signs on the female line

The curse of the kind occurs when one of the ancestors has offended another person, and he in hearts wished death to all relatives. As you know, words are a terrible force that is destructive. There are several options for the curse: it can affect all members of the family or be transmitted only by the female or male line.

Signs of a generic curse on the female line

In each individual case, spoilage can manifest itself in different ways, but, in general, there are several frequently encountered problems:

  1. Many people in the family have serious problems with the nervous system.
  2. Women die early and unnatural deaths.
  3. A common sign of the curse - children repeat the fate of their parents, as if they live under the same scenario.
  4. The presence of chronic diseases, often infertility.
  5. All women in the family can not normally build relationships with men and often remain alone.

How to remove the generic curse on the female line?

To get rid of spoiling, you can turn to a real magician or psychic, but there are rituals that you can conduct yourself. Effective is considered a rite, which is called "Paradise apple". First you need to take a picture of the whole family, print it out and put it for a week in the Bible. Then take out the picture, light the church candle and read any prayers that are known, for example, you can even "Our Father". After that, read the plot three times to remove the family curse:

"I beg of you, Jesus Christ! Bless the servants of God (names of relatives), grant us support and protection! Remove from us the dark slanders of enemies! Amen".

Then you should go to church and put candles for the health of all living relatives, and then read the prayers on the lifting of the curse. You can read this prayer:

"Heavenly King, the consoler of the soul is true, You are the One in all is and everything is fulfilled by Your will. You are the immortal Light, the eternal World, and the treasure of the hearts of the devotees who give them life. Awaken in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the cups of your innermost children, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all those who call on Your Name. Amen".

When you come home you need to bake a cake with apples. It is important during cooking to constantly read the prayer and say these words:

"I shoot a paradise apple curse. Amen".

Ready-made pastries should be fed to all relatives.