Wedding in English style

Wedding in the English style will help the newlyweds to show their originality and feel another culture and traditions on their own. Most often, this option is preferred by couples who are characterized by conservatism, graceful manners, courtesy, etc.

It should be said that it was the marriage in the English style that formed the basis of the so-called "European wedding".

Decor wedding in the English style

Remember that in the decoration of the celebration everything should be flattered by luxury and grace, which is typical of the British:

  1. Invitations . Postcards should have decor elements that are associated with England, for example, the flag, Big Ben, red phone booths, etc.
  2. Dresses . The bride must certainly be dressed in a long white dress, and it should not be too pretentious, everything should be as elegant as possible. The groom can choose both a white and a black suit. Also worth mentioning is that on English weddings there are always several friends who are dressed in identical dresses.
  3. Decoration . Usually, such weddings are also called in English garden style, as they are held in nature. Today it is quite easy to organize an exit ceremony, which will correspond to the chosen direction. As for the rings, the British choose smooth versions for themselves without stones and engraving. In the design of the place where the banquet will be held, be guided by a sense of proportion and taste, since it is these qualities that are valued in England. The basis of the decor should be flowers, and also you can use candles, ribbons, different draperies and fabrics.
  4. Menu . If you want your wedding to fully advise the chosen style, then serve English treats: duck, casserole, pudding, sauces, as well as various desserts from fruits and berries. The main dish is lamb with vegetables . Do not forget about the multilevel cake, which first appeared in England.