Reproduction of currant with cuttings in spring

Bushes of berry plants, such as currants, do not happen much. Especially if you grow different varieties : red, black, white. In order to preserve species specific features, it is necessary to use the vegetative method for propagation, that is, cuttings.

In this article, we will describe how to propagate the currant with cuttings in the spring, which should be noted when planting different species.

Vegetative reproduction of currant in spring

The main job is to properly prepare the planting material (i.e. cuttings) and prepare the landing site.

For successful rooting of cuttings, they should be planted in a sunny place where there is no underground groundwater. The soil must be fertile, for this, in the selected area, dig a trench, make fertilizers, humus and a little ash. After that, you must water and you can start landing.

To grow the currant in spring, you can use green or lignified cuttings. The first will need more 3-4 times and root them in a greenhouse, but it allows you to rid the seedling of such pests as a mite, gall midge and glass.

Depending on the type of shrub, the conditions of harvesting cuttings and the technology of planting change. Let us consider them in more detail.

Reproduction of black currant in spring

The lignified cuttings of black currant are prepared from September to mid-October. Cut them should be from the first-order shoots of branching or radical. Cutting branches is best done in the morning, and then in the shade to divide them into cuttings 18-20 cm long with 6-7 buds.

The lower cut should be placed 1 cm below the kidney at 45 ° from the opposite side of it, and the top one 1 cm higher from the kidney directly. After cutting, they should be stored in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

Immediately before planting in spring, the cuttings should be pulled out, the lower cut is updated and placed in water for 1-2 days. Plant them in rows of 70 cm every 10-15 cm. Sticking them into the ground should be inclined so that 2 kidneys remain above the surface of the earth. After that, the ground around them should be tamped and watered.

During the first year, planted cuttings require abundant watering, loosening and weeding from weeds. If everything is done correctly, then the next year, the obtained seedlings can already be transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction of red currant in spring

The red currant multiplies a little more difficult than the black currant, but with the right approach to this matter, anything is possible.

The optimal period for the preparation of cuttings of red currant is the first two weeks of August, when the kidneys enter a state of rest.

Cut cuttings from young lignified branches, at least 20 cm long. Before planting in the spring, they should be stored in the refrigerator, placing the bottom in wet sand or wrapping food film.

Begin to root the harvested cuttings should be in March or early April. Do it better in the greenhouse or on the windowsill. To do this, a container with a height of at least 30 cm, at the bottom of which it is necessary to lay drainage, must be used.

First, cuttings should be renewed at the bottom and saturated with water, putting it for a maximum of 30 minutes. To obtain the seedlings, leave only the top 4 buds, and remove the remaining ones. After this, the blade at the bottom of the cut is made with several longitudinal grooves 2 mm in depth and 3 cm in length. This is necessary to accelerate the growth of rootlets.

In a moistened soil, the peg should be made with a hole and a stalk inserted into it, then covered with soil. Only 2 kidneys should be left above the ground. After this, the stalk should be poured. Planted in the open ground it will be possible after it grows green shoot length of 5 cm.

Reproduction of white currant cuttings in spring is carried out in the same way as red.