What color is combined with purple?

If in the past purple color in clothes was considered the prerogative of aristocracy, today every girl can replenish her wardrobe with a thing of this noble color, which has a huge number of shades. But sometimes it is very difficult to decide what color is combined with the purple, and this is of great importance, because an incorrect mix of colors can completely ruin the image.

Color Characteristics

Before you get acquainted with the rules for combining colors in clothes , it should be noted that purple is a color that, like black, is able to visually build. But he has one more advantage. Clothing purple fills the image with bright colors and creates the same emotional atmosphere. It suits representatives of any color, but special attention is the combination of purple in clothing requires girls of the spring type. The fact is that by its depth and richness, it can "crush" their fair skin and hair. If you choose the right accessories, preferring dark ones, and making makeup bright, the image will be harmonious and balanced.

Clothes of this color - an excellent solution for the office and for festive events. If purple is to your face, then for the occasion choose clothes in bright purple tones. Wool, satin, velvet - these noble fabrics in violet color look luxurious!

Basic rules of combination

The rule of three colors in one image is known to every girl. A purple color, unlike most others, can act as both the main, and as a shade, and as an accent. Purple prefers a contrast combination with other colors. Excellent mix purple with pale yellow, golden brown, light orange, turquoise and the color of green mint. But accessories are better to choose dark or neutral colors. It should be noted that shoes or clutch of golden color can refresh the image and give it even more elegance. Unconventional girls skillfully combine violet with cream, purple, green and silver. Do you want romance in the image? Try to combine in it the purple dominant and pink accents. Experiment with cold and warm shades of purple, look for your color, and you will certainly be able to embody the most daring, fashionable and creative ideas!