Dry skin on elbows - causes

Experiencing about cellulite and premature wrinkles, girls completely forget about another unpleasant problem - dry skin on the elbows. Everyone can defeat this trouble. There are a lot of reasons for the dryness of the skin on the elbows. Some of them are completely harmless. But it also happens that dry elbows are a manifestation of a serious, requiring close attention, disease.

Why does the skin on the elbows become dark and dry?

If you want to determine what caused the formation of dryness on the elbows, you can yourself. The main thing is to listen attentively to your body and objectively evaluate your own way of life.

The most common reasons are:

  1. Very often, office workers and people who spend a lot of time at writing desks suffer with dry elbows. Constantly resting on their elbows, they involuntarily injure them. Of course, on the skin there are imperceptible cracks, and not deep open wounds. Because of this attention to damage no one gives. The skin in the meantime dries and eventually coarsens.
  2. A common cause of dryness of the skin on the elbows is a deficiency in the body of the vitamins A, E and D. The phenomenon is closely related to the wrong monotonous diet. Because the body lacks the necessary trace elements, the skin deteriorates. One of the manifestations of the problem is just dryness on the elbows.
  3. To dry elbows and knees can against a background of a diabetes . All because of the fact that the disease disrupts the nutrition of the epidermal cells. In addition to elbows and knees, all parts of the body can suffer.
  4. Do not overlook and dermatological diseases. Justify on the elbows can some varieties of lichen, psoriasis, dermatitis.
  5. Another reason why the skin dries on the elbows is anemia. With anemia, the body is weakened. And of course, the problem affects the skin condition. In addition to dry skin, the patient may experience symptoms such as decreased performance, dizziness, frequent headaches, fatigue.
  6. The organisms of some people react in a similar way to sudden temperature changes. Therefore, the problem is seasonal in nature, and dry elbows become mainly in spring and autumn.
  7. The cause of very dry skin on the elbows and knees can be endocrine system diseases. Hormonal changes in the body manifest themselves in different ways. It is almost impossible to restore the hormonal balance independently. And if for a long time the problem is neglected, in addition to dry skin, more serious and dangerous changes may appear.
  8. Believe in this is not easy, but sometimes you can get dry skin due to too frequent bath procedures. It would seem that regular shower and bath techniques should go for good, but sometimes an unsuitable gel or too hard water can adversely affect the skin condition.

How to treat dry skin on elbows?

First of all, you need to identify and eliminate the cause of very dry skin on the elbows. In most cases, after this the problem is solved by itself by yourself. And that the dryness does not return enough to adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. To clean the delicate skin you need to use soft peels and scrubs.
  2. Very useful baths for elbows with vegetable oils. One procedure in a couple of weeks will be more than enough.
  3. In the diet, you need to add more vegetables and fruits. Do not interfere and vitamin complexes.
  4. It is important to revise the way of life and the daily routine. Time should suffice not only for sleep and compulsory meals, but also for sports or at least walk in the fresh air.