What is euphoria and how long does the euphoria of falling in love?

Inexplicably upbeat mood, a short-term positive mood is indicated by the concept of positive affect. Many only intuitively understand what it is, and can not give a clear definition of what euphoria is and what its causes are.

A state of euphoria - what is it?

Explanatory dictionaries explain the state of euphoria as a heightened mood as a result of pleasant events, a sudden state of ecstasy, happiness. The term is translated from Greek as "well-carrying". Having reached this state, a person mistakenly believes that he has everything and there is nothing more to strive for. There is a decrease in self-control, inhibition and narrowing of consciousness. What does euphoria mean in terms of psychology? This is the same affect when a person experiences violent emotions, but in a positive way, without a negative. In this state, the main feelings are:

A strong emotional state can also indicate the presence of serious diseases, and the causes of it are brain damage, physical trauma. On this side, he considers medicine and psychiatry. Even a positive affective state may indicate such problems as:

What is the euphoria of love?

Often speaking of euphoria, they remember lovers. As if pink glasses are worn on them: the world is perceived as benevolent, everything revolves around the object of love, joy and delight overflow the soul. Unfortunately, this condition tends to end. Love is eternal, but love is temporary! From the point of view of physiology, the production of hormones explains love, but chemical reactions are weakening with time. Many people are interested in the question: how long does the euphoria of love last? There is no exact figure, but some scientists say that this condition lasts 1-1.5 years.

Euphoria - symptoms

It is unlikely that a person experiencing joy on a particular occasion realizes that this is a feeling of euphoria. It can occur in healthy people, as a consequence of processes in the brain. When endorphins develop hormones, endurance increases, feelings of joy, inspiration arise, but the presence of euphoria can indicate the following signs:

  1. Excellent mood, cheerfulness. Lack of problems.
  2. Increased activity of the individual, loquacity, but unproductive.
  3. The development of imaginative thinking , the propensity to fantasy, ideological.
  4. Slowdown of intellectual processes.

Euphoria and Depression

It is considered that a person in euphoria is always happy: either in love, or became a parent, or carried out an old dream, but it is not. Sometimes the emotional elevation may indicate the approach of a depressive state. Often, the differences between joy and sorrow are smooth, but if a person is not healthy, a change in the psycho-emotional background leads to sudden mood jumps. For joy, an individual can pass to depression and vice versa.

What is the difference between ecstasy and euphoria?

Sometimes the feeling of euphoria is mistakenly confused with ecstasy. These states are really similar in some ways, but they are completely heterogeneous in terms of psychology. What does euphoria mean? A positively colored affect, a state of excellent health, both emotional and physical, and ecstasy is an extreme degree of spiritual tension, a higher delight, a seemingly out-of-self stay. Another important difference is:

How to achieve euphoria?

When the question arises: what is euphoria, many immediately recall unnatural conditions caused by the use of psychotropic substances and pharmaceuticals (drugs, tablets, alcohol). They provide an inflow of forces, change the perception of the world, sharp raise the mood . But such methods have a detrimental effect on health. How to cause euphoria with the help of "the right ways" in everyday life?

  1. Doing sports. Athletes often have bright conditions on the background of active physical activity.
  2. Meditation, for example, yoga.
  3. Listening to special music.
  4. Hobbies (drawing, poetry, etc.).
  5. Disinterested help to others.
  6. Useful and tasty food.

Getting pleasure from life without using artificial simulators is the right choice. Unfortunately, none of these methods can not be guaranteed to lead to a state of emotional recovery. The production of happiness hormones can be stimulated, for example, by a tasty and healthy diet (fruits, cereals, chocolate, porridges, etc.), but such a strong emotion as euphoria requires great tension and inner strength.