Fertilizer magnesium sulphate - application

In the soil, the amount of all mineral substances necessary for normal plant growth gradually decreases. In order to prevent complete depletion of land resources and to grow a good harvest, it is necessary to introduce various fertilizers every year. In a variety of existing mineral dressings it's easy to get lost, so you need to know which ones are the most necessary. In this article you will learn about the fertilization of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate and its use in truck farming.

Application of magnesium sulphate as a fertilizer

Magnesium sulphate is also called magnesia, English or bitter salt. In its composition, 17% of magnesium oxide, 13.5% of sulfur and insignificant content of other chemical elements. Get it from solid salt deposits. This fertilizer looks like small crystals that do not have color and smell. When they get into the soil, they easily break up and are simply absorbed by the root system.

Insufficient magnesium in the ground leads to the fact that the plants begin to appear yellowness on the leaves between the veins, then they gradually darken completely and die. This process can lead to the death of the whole plant or a significant reduction in yield. Most often this occurs on light sand, peaty, red earth and acidic soils.

Particularly sensitive to the amount of magnesium in the soil are cucumbers , tomatoes and potatoes. If the indicator of this chemical element is maintained at the required level, then the content of starch increases in the fruits and their taste improves. It is also recommended to use it if you want to increase the yield of your plantings.

Add magnesium sulfate it is recommended in the spring when preparing the soil for planting. For trees, this is done in the near-trunk circle (30-35 g / m2 sup2), for vegetable plants - directly into the hole (cucumber 7-10 g / m2 sup2, and the other 12-15 g / m2 sup2). Simultaneously with this fertilizer it is necessary to introduce phosphorus fertilizers with nitrogen fertilizers.

How to dilute magnesium sulfate powder?

During the growing season, a solution of English salt is used as a fertilizer. Before use, magnesium sulfate powder must be dissolved in warm water (not below + 20 ° C). To avoid over-saturation or lack, you should adhere to certain proportions depending on how you will apply the fertilizer.

For final feeding in 10 liters of water, 25 g of dry matter is dissolved, and for foliar ones - 15 g.