What cosmetic procedures make Salma Hayek such a beauty?

Hollywood actress Salma Hayek in her 50 can give odds to younger colleagues. Mexican gave an interview to The New Your Times, in which she unhesitatingly shared her amazing beauty-habits.

It turns out that the tiny and smart actress is not a fan of the insanely expensive cosmetics, and prefers time-tested recipes. You will be surprised, but Salma still uses skin care tips from her grandmother! This is with her financial capabilities ...

Natural care and minimal make up

Wise grandmother of the actress said that you should not use cosmetics in the morning. Salma never puts cream on the face before noon. After all, she is sure that the skin, well rested at night, does not need additional "make-up". In the middle of the day the star of the films "Frida" and "Everly" uses rose water and moisturizing cream. Before going to bed - washing, but not with water or tonic, but with coconut oil.

Having such luxurious hair, dense, thick, curly, Salma has only one desire - to straighten them. She seldom leaves the house, without putting on her locks a special oil, created to smooth the hair.

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