John Bon Jovi and Dorothea Hurley revealed to the magazine People the secret of family happiness

John Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea Hurley gave a frank interview to People magazine and admitted that for 27 years they had learned to cherish and preserve their marriage.

John and Dorothea are familiar with high school. Having met as teenagers in the small town of New Jersey, they together decided to conquer the musical peaks and create a large family. In 1989, when the singer reached unprecedented heights in his career and the posters with his face adorned almost every maiden room, he made a proposal to Dorothea. The wedding took place in the best traditions of rock ballads, two lovers exchanged vows of loyalty in Los Angeles.

Despite the halo of rebellion in rock music, the 54-year-old singer has always been a modest person and, surprisingly, a devoted husband. About his fame, he tries not to talk in an interview, but only a little embarrassed laughs off:

I have no idea who this guy is, whose success you are talking about.

In an interview, John confessed that they are the perfect couple and complement each other perfectly:

I'm a crazy dreamer, creating chaos around me. Dorothea, on the contrary, always directed my energy in the right direction, put things in order and brought to life! I thank her for her successful musical career and becoming a happy man and father.

The rock musician admitted that for almost thirty years they had quarreled repeatedly and reconciled, but they were always together. Journalist People in the article noted that John spoke with great respect about his wife and constantly stressed her role in her life. Despite the difference in temperaments, they, according to Dorothea, always moved in one direction and valued each other.

The family circle notes that Dorothea is the main connoisseur, censor and auditor, in one person. Due to awareness of the work of the spouse, she never satisfied him with scenes of jealousy. Surprisingly, unlike many wives of rock musicians, she had great respect for the manifestations of the love of the fans for the creation of the band.

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Dorothea Hurley and John Bon Jovi are actively engaged in charity. The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, created by them, provides housing for the poor over the past ten years, creates social canteens for the needy, and takes part in the initiatives of international funds.