What does the lake dream about?

Almost every night a person sees various dreams and if they are properly explained, you can learn a lot of useful information.

What does the lake dream about?

The water in the pond became rippled - a symbol of emotional experiences. In a dream you stand near the shore, know that it's time to start something new. At this time, as a talisman, use any jewelry with precious stones. Swimming in the lake is a bad sign and in the near future you may get some kind of injury. Fall into the lake - expect small trouble. To swim on a pond in a boat and reach the shore - someone is affecting you, but soon everything will change.

A calm lake - in the future you will expect a cheerful and carefree life. To see your reflection in the water is a fun meeting with friends. In a dream, you swim on the lake - expect separation from your loved one. Also, such a vision may indicate that you will soon meet a man in an unusual place.

Why dream of a clean lake?

Such a dream is a sign of having an excellent intuition and inner wisdom. Seeing a clean lake is an opportunity to make a sober assessment of your actions and actions. In a dream, the banks are poorly visible, you are waiting for losses that have arisen because of loss of self-control.

Why dream of a dirty lake?

A dream testifies to the presence of emotional stagnation in your life. If the lake is bloody - a symbol that there is something evil in your soul. Swimming in such a lake is an increased risk of danger. A cloudy lake is a symbol of the fact that your plans will collapse and the result will be unpleasant. In a dream around a dirty lake grow beautiful plants of green color, which means that your nature will be overcome by passionate desires.

What is the dream of a frozen lake?

This night vision shows that the relationship with your other half are in a stupor and you need to change something.