Mamalyga - recipe

This article will focus on Moldovan cuisine. We will talk about how to make hominych - a steep corn porridge. For Moldavians, hominy serves as a side dish, bread, and the main independent dish. It is served with meat, cheese and even mushrooms.

Moldavian Hominy - recipe

In the preparation of hominy, nothing is difficult, but still, you need to know some secrets. How to properly cook hominy, we will tell you below.



Corn flour must be dried in the oven. If you do not have it, you can cook the flour yourself, grinding corn grits in a coffee grinder. It is better to cook hominy in the Kazanka. Pour the water into the kozanok, add the salt and bring to a boil. Now, gradually add flour, it is better to do this, sifting it through a sieve. Be sure to stir continuously with a wooden spoon. On a small fire, cook hominyly for about 25 minutes. The main nuance of cooking this dish is that during the whole time the mamaliga needs to be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon. And, to interfere diligently, that nothing has stuck to the bottom of the Kazanka, or to stenochkam. At the very end of the preparation, the spoon should be soaked in cold water and the contents of the cauliflower separated from the stenoca. After that, we leave hominych for another 2 minutes on the fire, and then we remove it, put the cauldron in a basin with cold water literally for a minute (this is done to make the mamaliga better behind the stenochek), then shake the bowler and turn the contents over a wooden cutting board or towel. It is not recommended to spread it on a dish, wood and fabric will be able to absorb liquid. And on the platter mamaliga misted, and its taste will deteriorate. If everything turned out right, then the hominy should not fall apart, it should keep the form - i.e. we get a flat cake that repeats the shape of the pot in which it was cooked. By the way, the readiness of this dish can be checked in the following way: a wooden rolling pin is vertically inserted into the center and rotates quickly with hands. If the rolling pin remained dry, it means that the mamaliga is already ready. It is accepted to cut corn mamalygu with a thread or a wooden knife. Serve this dish with fried in cream butter onion and chopped sheep's cheese. Also mamaliga is perfectly combined with goat cheese.

Recipe for cooking hominyh with meat and sauce "husband"


For hominy:

For toasting:

For sauce:


How to properly prepare hominy, we described in detail in the previous recipe. And now we'll tell you how to make hominy with meat and sauce. So, my meat, dried with a napkin and cut into slices. Onions are cleaned and cut into half rings or small cubes - it depends only on your desire. Fry the meat with onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Almost at the very end of the preparation we add salt and pepper to taste.

Now let's start preparing the sauce "Husbands". It is prepared quite simply: cloves garlic clean and rub with salt to the state of gruel, then, we add vegetable oil, lemon juice (if desired, can be replaced with wine vinegar), mix, add meat broth (if broth was not, you can use ordinary boiled water). Once again, stir everything and add shredded greens of dill and parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Sometimes in this sauce add a little chopped walnuts. Mamaligu is served to the table, watering sauce, with toasted meat.

By the way, if you still have hominy, it can be cut into pieces and fried in butter. And you need to serve it with sour cream for tea.