What is itching for the right leg?

Despite the fact that the signs in the modern world have lost their relevance, many people, itching in different parts of the body, try to remember what it can mean. The nose feels fun, the left hand - money, and what does the sign mean, when it itches the right leg for many remains a mystery. In general, such superstitions prophesy certain events. If this concerns the right side, then everything will have a positive character . The thing is that since ancient times people believed that there is an angel behind the right shoulder of a man, therefore all the signs associated with this part of the body will have a positive character.

What is itching for the right leg?

Itching in this part of the body is a harbinger of a pleasant long journey. If a person at this time plans to go on vacation, then we can say with confidence that the trip will be interesting and pleasant. Has a different interpretation of the sign, explaining what itchy feet from the outer surface near the fingers. The itch in this place can be taken as a warning that a noisy company will soon come to visit. Therefore, it is worth making food stocks, because the feast will be long, and most importantly, after it will be a lot of impressions and good mood.

The interpretation of superstition depends on the localization of the itch:

  1. If the right tibia itches is a harbinger of a pleasant encounter, but it will not be long. The important thing is that this friend will help solve many problems.
  2. The itch in the right thigh serves as a recommendation that one should be more careful in solving financial problems. Expect unforeseen expenditure, for example, it can be fine. Another such sign may mean that in the near future one should be alert, since there is a risk of robbery and deception.
  3. The sign, why it itches the foot of the right foot, means that a long road is coming soon. Still it can be a harbinger of a cheerful feast.
  4. If the itching appeared in the right knee is a good sign, indicating that the existing problems will be solved soon, and by themselves. Still it can be a harbinger of receiving good news from close people.
  5. Superstition about why it itches under the right knee, does not carry in itself anything good. In general, this is a reflection of regret over unrealized ambitions. A sign is a recommendation that it is worthwhile to be more reasonable and not in a hurry.
  6. When the right heel is itching is a warning that soon there will be problems in solving problems and implementing plans. Even the ancestors on the itch of the heel determined the weather change. If it happened in the summer, then it will rain, and in winter it is worth waiting for a thaw.

If the left leg is scratched, then all the interpretations are opposite and are negative. It is worth considering that in some cases, itching is a consequence of the presence of some health problems, for example, fungus or allergies . If the problem persists for a long time, then it's worth to go to the doctor.

Other signs about legs

If a person stands up from the bed, touches the ground first with his right foot, then the day will pass well. It will be interesting to know what it means to stumble through the right leg. In this case, the day will be filled with various troubles. If a person stumbles, leaving the house - this is a harbinger of failures that will haunt the road. A sign describing what to hurt your legs, promises bad weather. By the way, this superstition has a medical justification that joints are sensitive to weather changes.

People who have long legs are realistic and stand out among all of them for their practicality. You can also call them lovers of romance. Owners of small feet often behave like aristocrats.