Pressotherapy - indications and contraindications

Equipment lymph drainage, pneumatic, compression massage or pressotherapy is a procedure widely used for medical and cosmetic purposes. It is designed to eliminate stagnation of lymph and excess fluid in the tissues of the body. Before recording for a session, it is important to clearly understand what pressotherapy is - evidence and contraindications to its conduct, possible side effects, the results achieved.

Indications for use of pressotherapy

The procedure is performed using special hollow cuffs for the legs, hands, waist and hips.

Indications for pressotherapy of lower extremities:

During the session, air is quickly injected into the cuffs, creating an increased pressure on the lower limbs. After about 10 seconds, a sharp drop in compression occurs, due to which the vessels begin to expand, blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue, capillaries and muscles intensifies.

It should be noted that indications for pressotherapy for varicose include only 1 and 2 stages of this pathology. With a more severe form of veins, this exercise is not recommended.

Also, a hardware lymph drainage massage is prescribed to affect the hands with the following problems:

The cuff for the waist and hips, as a rule, is used for such purposes:

Features of pneumatic massage is its soft effect on the body. Thanks to this, pressotherapy is allowed every day, but it is recommended to visit it 2-3 times a week.

On average, the time of the procedure described is approximately 45 minutes, and the total course of treatment is up to 15 procedures. After six months, you can repeat a series of compression massage.

In addition, sometimes pressotherapy is prescribed for preventive purposes with the need to attend sessions 1-2 times per month (maintenance treatment).

Contraindications to pressotherapy

Given that this kind of hardware massage affects the internal processes of lymph drainage in the body, there are many diseases and conditions in which it can not be performed.

First of all, there are contraindications to pressotherapy with varicose veins, despite the fact that this disease is also in the list of indications. Vein dilatation can be treated with compression action only on 1 and 2 (rarely) stages of progression. Heavy varicose veins are not subject to such treatment.

List of other contraindications:

In addition, you can not attend sessions of lymph drainage massage with existing malignant tumors, and benign tumors prone to growth. Therefore, contra-indications for pressotherapy include uterine myoma, fibroma and fibroadenoma, ovarian cyst.