Popular signs and superstitions

What people will not tell about the people's signs: about what day you are waiting for, and what to be afraid of, and even what qualities your sutenant will possess. About the most ancient and popular beliefs and superstitions, you will learn from our article.

People's signs about the weather

From generation to generation, people passed knowledge on how to determine the weather and, of course, the yield of the year. So there was a calendar of people's signs. Many of these signs are recognized by modern meteorologists. Here are some of the folk notes about the weather:

Spring signs:

Popular signs of summer:

Folk signs of autumn:

Folk signs of winter:

How to determine the sex of a child with the help of people's signs?

Many people's signs are associated with determining the sex of the child : a boy or a girl waiting.

A boy grows in the tummy if:

The girl heralds:

People's signs and superstitions associated with housewarming

People's signs about money

Use the people's experience in order to make your life better, but do not become slaves to accept!