Sign - hiccough by the days of the week

Everyone knows firsthand what a hiccup is. It often appears after a strong fright or nourishing meal, although it can occur without any reasons. Scientists still can not give a clear answer to the question, why does it arise.

Previously, people believed that hiccups are a sign that higher forces try to give to a person. With it, you can easily predict the course of the next events. Signs, relevant in antiquity, have reached modern times. It is not necessary to believe in such superstitions, but still it is worthwhile to listen to them. The hints connected with hiccups in this article are checked by numerous generations. We will learn more about them.

Hiccup by day of week - signs

Even in the old days people believed that if a person suddenly started hiccuping, then someone remembered him. This is the most common and universally known sign associated with hiccoughs. And in order to find out who exactly recalls it is necessary mentally or aloud to pronounce the names of those who, perhaps, think about you. As soon as the name is correctly pronounced, the hiccup should immediately end.

There is also an easier way to learn about the secret admirer. To find out which letter begins his name, you should tear off the hair from the head and twist it on the finger. Each curl means the letter of the alphabet. The name of the person who called his memories hiccups, will begin with the letter on which the hair ends.

Also very important are the values ​​of hiccups by the days of the week.

  1. So, the hiccup, who won on Monday , promises an unexpected meeting, or a pleasant acquaintance.
  2. Hiccups on Tuesday are a sign that foreshadowes quick, favorable events. It is believed that if on that day the hiccups attacked in the morning is to a good continuation of the whole week, at lunch hours - to a pleasant acquaintance, and in the evening - to waste.
  3. Ikat on Wednesday - go soon to a romantic date .
  4. Hiccups on Thursday - a sign that promises a pleasant conversation that will charge positive energy and give a good mood.
  5. On Friday - to news.
  6. On Saturday - to fulfill the cherished hopes.
  7. Hiccups on Sunday are a sign that foreshadows a noisy feast in a good company of relatives and friends.

Some believe in these signs, while others are skeptical. How to treat them - everyone's business. But still it is worth to listen to the advice of well-known psychologists: if the prediction is optimistic, then you need to be sure that it will come true. Well, if the sign has disappointing forecasts, then one should not stick to it and wait for failures.