Why the devils?

Sometimes, we see in a dream what scares and disturbs us, and we begin to think whether what we saw as a bad sign or a warning about danger is not. After all, if, say, thinking about what we dreamed about the devil with the horns, then nothing but bad thoughts come into his head. However, not everything that seems terrible to us is a bad omen. One has only to look into books on the interpretation of dreams and everything will fall into place.

What do the devils dream about in interpreting the various dream books?

According to what we can read in any of the dream books, horned inhabitants of the underworld are not always harbingers of trouble. Answering the question of why we see devils in a dream, and why we could dream of such a strange plot, we must first remember what the frightening guest was doing. After all, if the devil allowed you to catch him by the tail, sleep can be considered a harbinger of luck , and luck is unexpected, soon and truly grandiose.

If you peacefully talked with a messenger of hell, then the vision also does not foretell troubles, especially if the conversation was going on at the table. On the contrary, such a story tells us about the imminent profits and warns that, despite the success , one should not succumb to such feelings as pride. According to these interpretations, it is not necessary to think about the troubles that will occur after what is seen in the dream, because what the devil in this case dreams about, so only to the material benefit. Well, in the case when you were in conflict with the devil, you should expect a quarrel with a close person. Moreover, the conflict will arise, most likely, "from scratch".

If you want to find out what the devil in the guise of a man dreamed of, then first you need to clarify whether you were familiar with a man or woman from a dream. In the event that you answered "yes", sleep warns about a possible betrayal, but if your answer is "no", then you should be very careful, especially with regard to new acquaintances. After all, this vision is nothing but an omen of a possible betrayal.

Disturbing dreams and interpretations

But what's the use of guessing if you should expect trouble if you have a strong wind and rain, if you can just use a dream book? Most often, what we see at night is just a warning, which means that even if the interpretation is not too happy, you can always change reality by making the right decision at the right time.