Removal of corns

For every person who has encountered on the feet , sooner or later the question arises, which method to choose to get rid of this problem.

Whether it is necessary to go to the doctor?

In addition to the fact that the nattoops give an inaccurate appearance to the legs, their occurrence causes pain when walking. Initially, many of us, not considering this problem serious, decide to remove the burrs at home:

  1. To this end, gels, creams, ointments and patches are widely used, which are sold in pharmacies.
  2. A variety of foot baths are also very popular, especially sour-milk, soap-soda, with the addition of potassium permanganate;
  3. Successful lotions and compresses from grated vegetables, citrus and herbal decoctions are used.

Tuberculosis with the stem is not suited to this treatment, and independent removal of the "root" can lead to infection of the wound.

To date, medicine has quite effective methods for removing corns.

How do they remove botanicals?

All manipulations are carried out in polyclinics painlessly, using local anesthesia and have no complications in the form of inflammatory processes. Here are some of them:

Removal of corns by liquid nitrogen

This method of cryotherapy is used to remove deep corns on the stem. The liquid nitrogen used is a clear liquid that causes the death of pathological tissues by deep freezing for 30 seconds. In place of the severed build-up, a new area of ​​skin is formed in a few days.

Removing the cornea by laser

The use of a laser for the removal of corns is the best means of modern medicine. Most often, doctors use a CO2 laser, which acts as precisely as possible on the lesion, leaving healthy tissues unharmed. Has a disinfecting effect, preventing the infection from entering the wound. The procedure for the removal of corns by laser passes under local anesthesia, lasts no more than 10-15 minutes, and is fairly easily tolerated by patients. With a laser at a time, you can remove the corn-puddle with the stem for good. After the procedure the patient can immediately return to the usual life without needing a long rehabilitation.

Choosing the right methods to remove the burrs will help you save time to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon.