Nettle burn - what to do?

Nettle is one of the most dangerous plants. In appearance, inconspicuous leaves can cause a lot of discomfort. Knowing what to do with a nettle burn, contact with this plant can become as pleasant and painless as possible. And the consequences of the "bite" after that will be forgotten very soon.

Benefits of nettle burns

Probably everyone had to face this plant at least once in life. Memories should not be the most enjoyable. Even touching one leaf, you can experience all the anger of nettles on yourself. The skin at the site of contact becomes inflamed, reddens, starts to itch terribly and very much hurt - a test not for the faint of heart.

Therefore, it is rather difficult to believe that a nettle burn can be useful. But this is a fact. Many people suffering from rheumatic diseases with the help of nettle "bites" neutralize the pain syndrome. In addition, the burn improves blood circulation, with the help of inflammatory processes.

How to treat a nettle burn?

The necessary treatment, as in the case of thermal or chemical burns, is selected individually - depending on the degree of injury. That is, with a few blisters nothing serious to do is not necessary - they will pass, after a couple of hours. But large-scale lesions, especially people suffering from allergies of all kinds, can not be neglected in any case:

  1. Quickly and effectively neutralize the unpleasant sensations of burns helps, no matter how strange it may sound, the earth. Attach a handful of soil to the place where the nettle grows, and the pain subsides. The only problem is to apply this method only to those who have a tetanus vaccination.
  2. As first aid for nettle burn, ice or cold water can be used. This method will quickly eliminate the pain, leaving behind only a slight peeling.
  3. If the burn is serious, and the blisters on the skin are of impressive size, Treat the injured area with apple cider vinegar , diluted in water.
  4. Ideally, a complex burn should be treated with special anti-inflammatory ointments or gels. But if there are no such at hand, it is quite possible to use a sheet of psyllium or sorrel previously washed from dust.
  5. For the treatment of nettle burns, it is possible to use gruel made from soda mixed with water.
  6. Sometimes it is possible to remove the inflammation and itching only due to antihistamines such as Tavegil , Suprastin or Lorano.