Than to process fruit trees in the autumn?

With the approach of the autumn period, gardeners know that a very important time is coming - preparation of the garden for wintering. This includes all sorts of activities, including spraying from diseases and pests .

Before you start working, you need to know what to process fruit trees in the fall. Protect the garden with a spray gun, and if necessary, wear a respirator and protective suit. As a rule, processing is not carried out in windy weather.

Applied Chemicals

The easiest to use and harmless to humans is considered to be spraying in autumn trees with a solution of table salt. This method is suitable for those farmers who want to grow fruit without using harmful drugs.

Salt in this case serves as a disinfectant, which falls on branches and bark of a tree, penetrates inside and fights with pathogenic microorganisms and insects, which found themselves a winter shelter in the bark of a tree. To prepare the working solution, take 1 kg of table salt and dissolve in a bucket of water.

If you have not figured out what the autumn is best to treat fruit trees from pests, then it is recommended to use urea, which will protect the garden for next year from pests and diseases. In addition to spraying the tree itself, you need to process the trunks.

Even the schoolchildren know how to handle tree trunks in autumn, of course, this is lime. Uninformed people believe that the trunks are whitewashed to give a beautiful appearance to the garden, but this is only partially true. The main merit of whitewash is to expel all kinds of insects from the trunk and stop spreading them across all skeletal branches.

With the onset of cold weather, pests from the soil move to a tree and it is important not to miss the moment. Therefore, whitewash trunks are recommended in the early autumn, but spraying can be postponed to a later time.