What exercises can I do for pregnant women?

You began to notice some changes in your body: the flow of power is sharply replaced by weakness, a smile - with tears, and in the mornings periodically became nauseated. You run to the pharmacy, buy a pregnancy test - and "URA!", You see the cherished two strips.

From this moment, gradually comes the realization that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but for a small miracle that you carry under your heart. Now you need to review everything that you did before pregnancy and leave only what is useful to you and your baby.

General recommendations

For many years you have been actively engaged in fitness , but now you start to ask yourself questions about whether it is possible to continue classes, what exercises you can do for pregnant women, how long the training should last and how not to inflict the baby. In this article we will try to answer all your questions.

When, when you come to the fitness club, you ask what exercises you can perform, an experienced instructor, without hesitation, will cross out in your training program all kinds of twists and tilts, jumps, mahi and deep squats that can cause a miscarriage. In the second trimester, the list of prohibited exercises will increase slightly. Here, all the supine exercises on the back will be added, since they can cause the baby to have an oxygen deficiency. In addition, all exercises in which the legs are above the head fall into the list under the ban. In the third trimester exercise caution when performing stretching exercises. They can also provoke a miscarriage or you can easily get a dislocation, thanks to a special hormone relaxin, which is produced during pregnancy in order for the baby to provide the most free passage during his birth.

It is best to practice during pregnancy with an experienced instructor who can look after you, correct mistakes and prompt something. But if there is no such possibility, then we can offer several more alternative options. The most common occupation for pregnant women is swimming . Exercises that are performed in the water, do not load the spine, improve blood circulation, thus minimizing the appearance of stretch marks, and eliminate the risk of overheating the body. Walking is also a good alternative to fitness. It would seem, what is the use? And the benefits are considerable. Walking strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes the development of flexibility and endurance, which is important during pregnancy and during labor. And do not forget that during pregnancy it is very important to strengthen the back muscles in order to maintain the weight of the fetus. Therefore, you just need to perform exercises for pregnant women for the back. Some exercises you can perform at home.

Fitness for pregnant women

  1. Exercise "The Cat" . The starting position: we kneel, we put our hands on the width of the shoulders and rest against the floor. The top and coccyx are stretched upward, having bent back in the lumbar region. On exhalation we round our back and stretch upwards, we lower head and coccyx downwards.
  2. Exercise "Kitty" with stretching. The starting position: we kneel, we put our hands on the width of the shoulders and rest against the floor. At the same time, smoothly raise the right arm and the left leg up, stretching out beyond the tips of the fingers on the hands and feet. We remain in this position for 15-20 seconds. Try to keep your balance. Do the same with the other hand and foot.
  3. Exercise "Cheyno-thoracic trough" . The starting position: we kneel, we put our hands on the width of the shoulders and rest against the floor. Gradually move our hands on the floor forward until the chest does not touch the floor. The chin is lowered to the floor. We stretch out for the tips of the fingers on the arms forward, and the coccyx stretch upward. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds. Then also slowly return to the original. Repeat several times.

And, finally, a few tips for pregnant women. Do 3-4 times a week, do not abuse exercise, never hold your breath while exercising, and drink more clean water before, during and after exercise. Remember movement is life!