20 weeks gestation - how often should the baby move?

The long-awaited pregnancy, especially the first, is a time of great joy, and at the same time, great experiences. The future mother has so much to experience and experience for the first time - to see the striped test, to transfer possible toxicosis and numerous changes in the body, in appearance and, of course, to feel the first pinches of her baby!

Let's find out when the so-called perturbations begin, and how often the child moves on the 18th, 20th, 22nd week of pregnancy.

Norms of baby stirring

Usually the baby starts to move in the womb early enough - about 7 weeks. But to feel this future mother can not yet soon - the stirring is still visible only on ultrasound. If a woman is to be delivered for the first time, the first movements of the baby in the abdomen will be felt between 18 and 20 weeks.

However, this period depends on different reasons and, depending on them, may vary greatly. So, early, still unclear movements at 14-15 weeks or rather late, after 22 can be noted. Influences on the beginning of the perturbations and the features of the figure of the pregnant woman - slender women tend to feel the first cautious movements of the baby in the uterus a little earlier, especially if the fruit is large . It also matters which pregnancy is accounted for (first or not), and even then, along which side of the uterus the placenta has attached.

Often, women take for the first tremors of the baby active work of their own intestines. But as soon as the real perturbations begin, you will immediately understand that these are two different sensations.

How often does the fetus move in 20 weeks?

The number of movements per day is a question that requires a separate conversation. Very often pregnant women are rather hypochondriac, because there are plenty of excitement for them. They may be troubled by both the lack of movements in the deadlines set by the norms, and the too-rare tremors. But excessive activity of crumbs also sometimes disturbs - is it normal or not?

So, 20 weeks is the middle, the so-called equator of pregnancy. And often it will be marked by a very joyful event, which is the first "communication" between the child and his mother. As for the norms on the perturbations at this time, they are very, very conditional, since all pregnancies, as well as all children, are absolutely different from each other. Your future baby can be as very active by nature, disturbing your mother with strong and frequent jerks, and calm - such babies sometimes arrange periods of calm to several days. At the period of 20-22 weeks, this is the absolute norm.

One of the myths says that a pregnant woman should feel at least 10 movements a day. However, this is true for later terms, when gynecologists recommend even a special diary of perturbations. But there is no specific medical "requirement" for how often a child should move at the age of 20 weeks of pregnancy. Everything is very individual.

Consider also the fact that the child already has his own wakefulness and rest regime. When you wait for active movements, the baby can just sleep, waking up when you are resting. And when the mother herself is awake, walks, works, drives in transport - she may not feel the first timid shocks of the crumbs from the inside, especially if she does not yet have the experience of previous pregnancies.

The second planned ultrasound, which is usually carried out from 18 to 22 weeks, will let you know if everything is all right with a crumb. If there are no perturbations or they are rare enough, this does not necessarily indicate any pathologies: perhaps the baby's tremors are not yet so strong that you feel them at full strength. Soon the future child, and for the time being the fetus, will begin to grow at an even faster rate, and when it becomes cramped, then you will feel almost every movement in the uterus.