Are they getting fat?

For many centuries, bacon was the most popular product, and our ancestors did not have any questions whether it was possible to recover from fat.

They used it both as an independent dish and as a snack, and other products were also roasted and stewed on it. But in the modern world, adherents of various diets try not to eat this fatty delicacy, afraid of using it to gain excess weight , so this product slowly began to disappear from our tables. So let's try to figure out whether the fat is fattening, or whether it's fiction of those who consider any high-calorie and fatty food harmful.

Are they getting better from bacon?

No wonder people who are trying to lose weight are so afraid of using this product, because the calorie content of fat is really very high. In 100 g there is up to 800 kcal, and the fat content is 90%. These are quite serious indicators, so the amateurs of this delicious delicacy have a completely natural question, fattening or not. You can safely answer that if you do not know the measures, you can very easily gain a couple of pounds and from drinking watermelon, not to mention the fat.

Also, the fat is recovered if consumed in fried form, because carcinogens and toxins that appear when frying, contribute to rapid weight gain. Keep in mind that after you have had a bite with this high-calorie treat, do not immediately drink water, wait at least an hour, so the fat will be better absorbed and digested.

In order not to harm your figure, nutritionists recommend eating no more than 60 grams of this fatty product to people who lead an active lifestyle and not more than 30 g to those who move little. Also, you should not include fat in your daily diet .

To ensure that your waist does not increase, fat is best consumed with black bread, a combination of fats and carbohydrates, leads to a normal metabolism, and hence easy digestion of foods.