Frequent urination during pregnancy

When a woman is waiting for a child, many changes take place in her body, including frequent urination. Nevertheless, in pregnancy - this is completely normal, although not very pleasant.

What is the reason for this?

First, frequent urination during pregnancy is caused by an increase in the volume of circulating fluid in the body of a future mother, as a result of which the kidneys work with a doubled load.

Secondly, during the day there is a repeated update of the amniotic fluid.

Thirdly, the frequent urge to urinate during pregnancy can be a consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. As a rule, a significant increase in urination occurs twice for pregnancy - at the beginning and at the end. But in connection with the first two reasons to visit the toilet more often than usual, accounted for throughout the pregnancy.

Frequent urination at the beginning of pregnancy

Due to the fact that the uterus presses on the bladder, which is located very close to it. This lasts for the first four months, and then the uterus, moves slightly away from the bladder, increasing toward the center of the abdominal cavity, and urination becomes less frequent. Many women in general regard frequent urination as a sign of a possible pregnancy even when the test is carried out early. And this can correspond to reality if the opportunity to become pregnant was. Because hormonal changes in the body of a woman with all the ensuing consequences of this begin immediately after fertilization. If, in addition to frequent urge to go to the toilet, a woman is bothered by rubbers, pains in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region, urine cloudy, the temperature rises, then frequent urination may not be a sign of pregnancy, but a symptom of kidney or bladder disease. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to conduct the necessary examinations to clarify the diagnosis and, if necessary, to undergo a course of treatment. This is especially important if the disease of the urinary system coincides with the onset of pregnancy.

Frequent urination at the end of pregnancy

The child "descends" into the pelvis, "preparing to be born, by the end of pregnancy. Moreover, urination can become very frequent due to the pressure of the baby's head on the bladder. In some women, the baby falls into the pelvis only at the time of delivery, and in others in advance. In any case, the baby is already large, and the enlarged uterus to some extent presses on the bladder. The stronger the pressure, the more often a woman has to run to the toilet. Of course, all women are different and each pregnancy is unique, so some of them have frequent urination, as an ordinary sign of pregnancy, may not be. But if you are pregnant, and you do not go to the toilet "little", it makes sense to count the amount of liquid you drink per day. Perhaps it is too little. And this is the risk of infection of the urinary tract.

What can be done to relieve the condition?

If you slightly bend forward during urination, this will help to completely empty the bladder. Hence, the next trip to the toilet will be a little delayed in time.

If you often go to the toilet at night, then try to limit the intake of liquid, as well as eating liquid food for several hours before bedtime.

When buying a bandage for pregnant women, use a model similar to body (with a clasp between the legs). This will reduce the time it takes to go to the toilet.

If you are on the road, try to avoid peak hours so as not to get caught in traffic and not tolerate in the car, without being able to get into an intimate corner.

Frequent urination can occur not only during pregnancy, but also after the day after birth. This is due to the fact that an excessive amount of pregnancy hormones and excess fluid is excreted from the woman's body. After a while, the amount of urine released per day will return to normal.

Whatever it was, and such a nuisance, like frequent urination during pregnancy, can not be the reason for refusing the joy of motherhood. And after the birth of a child, many women remember with pleasure these amazing days, when someone pushes you in the stomach with a foot or a pen, and you look forward to the moment of meeting with a miracle. And neither toxicosis, nor frequent urination, nor any other tests that are possible during pregnancy, can not become an obstacle to the woman's fulfillment of her destiny.