Dysfunction of the placenta

Placental dysfunction (in gynecology, fetoplacental insufficiency) is a whole complex of symptoms that manifest themselves on the part of the placenta and, as a consequence, from the development of the fetus.

Distinguish acute placental insufficiency and its chronic form.

Acute fetoplacental insufficiency is characterized by acute impairment in the blood flow between the placenta and the baby. Due to the fact that the child does not receive enough oxygen, as well as nutrients. Acute dysfunction is characterized by symptoms such as placental abruption and as a result of bleeding of various degrees. In this case, urgent hospitalization of a pregnant woman is necessary. The condition of the baby in the womb depends on which part of the placenta the detachment of the tissues has occurred.

The chronic form is more difficult to diagnose, its development is slow and may not be accompanied by symptoms.

With dysfunction of the placenta, a very important analysis is the Doppler study in pregnant placental blood flow. This is a kind of ultrasound, in which the blood flow from the placenta to the fetus is checked, as well as to the uterus. This study is conducted in dynamics to reveal a more accurate picture.

Other abnormalities of the placenta

Cyst of the placenta can also lead to placental insufficiency. The cyst is formed at the site of inflammation, if it was formed before the 20th week of pregnancy - this is considered the norm, but a later formation of the placenta cyst indicates a recent inflammation. In this case, the doctor appoints the treatment, and as a rule, the therapy contains a course that restores the blood flow in the placenta.

Swelling of the placenta

This unpleasant diagnosis is also determined by ultrasound. Swelling of the placenta is a thickening of the placenta itself, occurs if the mother has had an intrauterine infection, and can also occur in patients with diabetes mellitus and in the case of a rhesus conflict factor in the mother with the fetus. Like all anomalies and abnormalities in the placenta, it is fraught with the fact that the placenta will not be able to cope with its functions well, and the child will be undernourished with oxygen and nutrients.

Rupture of the placenta

The rupture of the placenta is a rare occurrence. It may occur after 20 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta is fully formed. Symptoms that are always present when a placenta is ruptured is a severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as vaginal bleeding. The risk of rupture of the placenta is attributed to women who suffer from diabetes mellitus.

Infarction of the placenta

Infarction of the placenta is the withering away of the placenta due to blood flow disorders. If the heart attack affected a very small part of the placenta, then most likely, it will not affect the child in any way, but if a site with a volume of at least three centimeters is affected, this situation can cause fetoplacental insufficiency.

All these abnormalities of the placenta from its normal state lead to impaired and delayed development of the fetus. When dysfunction of the placenta requires constant medical supervision, as well as timely treatment.

Treatment takes a rather long period of time, and is conducted in a hospital. Monitoring of a pregnant woman with any of these diagnoses occurs right up to delivery, due to the high risk of fetal fading, rupture of the placenta and many other complications.


Prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency is very important. To do this, it is necessary to register on time, to pass all the examinations, because timely detection of the problem will avoid bad consequences. Also, the pregnant woman needs to walk as much as possible outdoors, rest during the day and eat right.