What helps the icon of Our Lady of Kazan?

The icon of Kazan Mother of God is included in the list of the most ancient Russian shrines. It is used to appeal to the Higher Powers to solve various family troubles and get rid of health problems. This face is also used for the blessing of the young.

The Kazan icon differs from others in that the God-child is depicted standing on the left side of the mother. At the same time, his right hand is raised, which symbolizes the blessing.

The meaning and history of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The fact that the face of the Kazan Mother of God miraculous is evidenced by the legend of her appearance. The appearance of this icon is dated July 21, according to a new style in 1579. It happened during the strong fires. To the little girl Matrona, who was the daughter of an ordinary merchant, the image of the Mother of God came in a dream and he ordered her and her mother to go to the place of the fire and find the icon there. At first no one believed the girl, but the next night the dream was repeated and it was said that if Matrona does not find the icon, then another person will do it and then death awaits her. The order was executed, and among the blockages the girl found an image that had no damage and all the colors were fresh. It is on this day every year that the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast - the Appearance of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. By the way, in the place where the fire took place, and the icon was found, eventually a women's monastery was built on the orders of Ivan the Terrible. Lik was placed in the Assumption Cathedral, which is located in Kazan. In 1904, in order to sell the precious frame, the icon was stolen and eventually destroyed. Today, in churches around the world, copies of the miraculous image are used, which have already manifested their strength.

In history, a lot of information is known when the icon of the Kazan Mother of God appeared by itself. In these places, chapels or temples were built, where real miracles took place with people.

What helps the icon of Our Lady of Kazan?

As already mentioned, the very appearance of the image is a miracle, but in the future the icon surprised people more than once. One of the most significant and well-known manifestations of the power of the image occurred during the procession, when the icon was moved from the place where it was found in the Assumption Cathedral. In this process, two blind people participated, who, having touched the icon, saw the light. Since then, the Kazan Mother of God has been used to treat blindness and other bodily diseases.

Another meaning of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God lies in its ability to help a person, cope with difficult life challenges. With this image, you can turn to the Higher Forces, when there is no power to change something and move on.

They turn to the face of the Mother of God when there are problems in family relations. Since ancient times people used this icon during the blessing of newlyweds before the wedding. It is believed that such a rite is the basis for building a strong and happy family. The young will not have problems in the material sphere and everyday life will not spoil their feelings.

According to the existing information, the Mother of God treats children particularly favorably, that's why the parents turn to the icon , who want their child to be protected by the Higher Powers.

How to pray before the icon?

You can address the Higher Forces not only in the temple, but at home, most importantly, have an image. It is best to address the saints early in the morning at dawn. It is necessary to stand up, wash with water, which is recommended to cross beforehand. To start prayer is necessary in a good mood with an unshakable faith. It is necessary to get rid of extraneous thoughts and relax. Near the icon you need to light the candles and it is best to stand in front of the image on your knees.

The prayer for the icon of the Kazan Mother of God sounds like this:

"O Most Holy Lady, Lady of the Mother of God! With fear, faith and love falling before an honest Thy icon, we beseech Thee: Thou shalt not turn away thy face from those that flee to Thee, , The Compassionate Mother, Thy Son, and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, let us keep our country peaceful, let us establish the church. Let our holy and unshakable people observe from unbelief, heresies and schism. Not Imams of other help, not imams of other hope, do You, the Most Pure Devo: Thou art the All-Powerful Christian Help and Intercessor. Deliver all those who pray to you from the fall of sinful things, from malicious wickedness, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; grant us the spirit of contrition, the humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of sinful life and the abandonment of sins, and thankfully your glorious majesty, be honored to the Kingdom of Heaven and, with all the saints, glorify the Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, you can state your request.