The "Living Help" prayer - how and from what helps?

There are many prayer texts that have special significance for believing people. The "Living Help" prayer is a powerful amulet that helps in different situations. Its correct name is Psalm 90, and in terms of strength and significance, it is equated with "Our Father" and "Virgin of the Virgin, Rejoice . "

"Live help" - what is it?

Psalm 90 is located in the book of the Psalter and uses it to ask for God's help and salvation. The clergymen believe that "Live" help "is a prayer that everyone should know. Most scholars and church officials believe that the author of the prayer text is Moses, but there is also the assumption that this is the creation of pagan wise men. "Living in Help" is a prayer that stands out amongst the fact that it is used not only in Christianity, but also in Hinduism. Traditionally, the prayer text is with itself as an amulet.

What helps the "Living Help" prayer?

The main purpose of the psalm is to protect a person from different enemies, diseases, evil forces and numerous problems. According to Christian traditions, the text of the prayer "Alive in aid" is embroidered on belts, which are called "obezrezhnymi". The person who wears it strengthens his own faith and receives the protection of the Lord. Many people are interested in how "Living Help" helps, so the power of prayer awakens in a person faith and power, which, as it were, creates an "invisible shield" that keeps people from harm. Another sacred text helps in such cases:

  1. In the Gospel of Matthew and Luke it is stated that Psalm 90 protects from temptation so that people do not step over the commandments of God. When you have doubts, it is necessary to read the text below, so as not to stumble.
  2. The "Living Help" prayer protects against enemies and any of their manifestations, envy and various dangers throughout the day. With its help, you can protect yourself from natural disasters and disasters.
  3. It is recommended to read it and have the text next to you by travelers so that you do not get into trouble in unfamiliar places.
  4. Help prayer to cope with illnesses and even intractable witches.
  5. Eliminates the sacred text from fears, displays of pride and other negative qualities.

How to correctly read "Living Help"?

There are several rules that must be taken into account during the pronunciation of Psalm 90:

  1. It is important to try to remember the prayer text and read it by heart. Repeat it three times, so after a first pronunciation a short pause is maintained and the person should cross himself three times, and then, proceed with the next repetition.
  2. The prayer "Alive in help" should not be repeated, as a tongue twister, it is important to think through the text and understand every word. The intonation should be calm, and the voice - even.
  3. To strengthen the action of prayer, one can pick up the image of Jesus Christ.
  4. If Psalm 90 is read to help a sick person, then he must know this, and he must believe in the Lord, otherwise nothing will come out.
  5. During the reading of the prayer it is necessary to discard all extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the action.

Prayer "Alive in help"

A huge number of believers argue that the presented prayer is able to create a miracle, which they observed with their own eyes. A strong prayer "Living Help" can be read for yourself, and for close people who need help and support. It should be noted that the clergy read the prayer text in the Old Russian language, but for the convenience of understanding it was adapted to the rules of the Russian language, and all the church canons were observed.

Belt "Living Help"

It has already been mentioned that before, one of the most popular amulets was the belt on which the text of this powerful prayer was embroidered. In church benches, you can buy ready-made tapes, on which prayer is applied with special paints. The church belt "Living Help" not only protects, but also brings its owner luck. Clergymen argue that when a person wears it, he must say a prayer text to strengthen the faith and power of the amulet. The knot is tied under the left arm.

Bracelet "Live help"

Another variant of the amulet is special bracelets, on which the text of prayer is also applied. They can be made of their different materials and have different shapes, so many will be able to find the right option for themselves. There are several tips on how to wear "Live Aid":

  1. If the bracelet was purchased in a church or a monastery for yourself, it is better to put it on immediately, given the special security and strength of such places.
  2. When buying a bracelet for a gift, during dressing it is important to try to transfer the power that is felt in holy places. During this it is necessary to read the prayer.
  3. As for which hand you need to wear a bracelet, then in this plan there are no restrictions.
  4. Bear in mind that the bracelet is an amulet, so try to hide it from prying eyes.