Women's Boxing

Female boxing is not for everyone. This sport is severe and cruel, it threatens with injuries and pain, but for some reason it does not stop anyone in our time. Women's boxing, which was recognized only in the early 20th century, was already experiencing one wave of popularity in the 70s of the last century. And now he is again popular.

Women's boxing: training for the body and the brain

Despite the fact that boxing does not seem to require special mental strain of sport, in fact it is far from the case. The women's boxing school develops both physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

The usual and female Thai boxing is more complicated than it seems. Not everything depends on the muscle mass and physical strength, the most important thing for success in such a severe match is the ability to calculate the accuracy of your own lightning movements, the trajectory of the enemy's fists, the impact force and, of course, the logical course of the battle in the future, already by results of actions. In boxing, every second is capable of changing the entire course of the battle, which means that you can not relax for a second. This sport requires maximum concentration, lightning-fast reactions, excellent logic and ability for a split second to assess the situation. And this apart from regular grueling training with your sparring partner!

Even during training in the women's boxing studio with a pear, you can improve the techniques and include all the muscle groups in an active work. And in real combat, the whole body is really 100% involved!

A visit to the section of women's boxing will help you not only become smarter and stronger physically, but also improve your cardiovascular system, make you more enduring, improve coordination of movements. By the way, boxing is a good option for those who want to lose weight or get rid of cellulite - women boxers do not have such problems, because training leads to intense loss of calories.

Women's boxing: weight categories

The emancipation of society makes itself felt, and all women-boxers were divided into three weight categories:

The problem is that if the athlete does not fit into any of the categories, she will not be able to compete.

Women's box for boxing

Any form for boxing traditionally consists of special shoes without heels or thorns, golfs, shorts, which should not be shorter than the middle of the thigh and shirt, completely hiding the back and chest. If the women's shorts for box match the color of the shirt, then the belt should be highlighted with a contrasting strip. This is not an idle claim: blows below the belt are prohibited, so it's important to visually emphasize the difference.

In addition, women's clothing for boxing includes such items of equipment as helmet, safety bandage for the body and a toothbrush (it is also called a cap). This is a very important element of the fight, and if one of the players spits it out, a warning or even a disqualification follows. If the drop falls from the impact, then the athlete will be taken to its corner, so that after rinsing the toothbrush it could be returned to its place.

Women's gloves for boxing have a special symbolism: if the competition passes above the regional level, their colors are only red and blue. Moreover, their gloves are forbidden to wear on such competitions - they are issued on the spot. Before putting on gloves, it is important to carefully bandage your hands to minimize the load on fragile joints.

The outfit is of particular importance, and if there are any violations in the appearance of the boxer, it may simply not be allowed to fight.