Coryza with blood - what is it?

Coryza has long been turned into one of the most anticipated manifestations of the common cold. There are many means to combat this phenomenon. Most of them allow you to defeat the common cold in a matter of days. But what is this phenomenon - a cold with blood, is known to a few. Therefore, it makes you wary of those patients who have to face it.

Why does the cold come with blood?

In fact, you should not panic ahead of time. The main reason why bloody veins may appear in mucus is weak vessels. If the runny nose torments you long enough, and all this time you do not part with a handkerchief, most likely, the vessels have greatly weakened and at the time of the next blowout they simply ruptured. Bloody discharge while uninvolved.

There are other causes of a cold with blood:

Very often a runny nose with blood veins torments adolescents during the transition years and pregnant women. All the blame for sudden changes in the hormonal background. Sometimes the blood in the cold results from the use of medication. Independently to undertake in this case it is necessary nothing, and here with the expert to consult does not prevent.

What should I do if my blood runs cold?

Determine the treatment can only be after the installation of an accurate diagnosis:

  1. If blood veins appeared in the cold due to weak capillaries, the vessels will need to be strengthened. This can be done with the help of washing, special physical exercises and the use of medicinal decoctions. All this will help to normalize blood circulation and strengthen immunity, due to which the more hardy will become and walls of capillaries.
  2. So that you do not have to deal with the problem of blood from the nose with a runny nose, install special ionizers and humidifiers at home. Regularly clean and ventilate at home.
  3. Before going out on the street (especially in the cold season) lubricate the nostrils with medical petroleum jelly or special ointments.

To strengthen immunity, you can drink vitamin complexes. It will not be superfluous to change the diet. Add vegetables, fruits, cereals, and try to abandon bad habits.