Furuncle on face - treatment

Someone has an ideal skin, someone struggles with pimples, and some have a more significant problem - frequent boils. This Latin term for acute purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle and surrounding tissues. There is a furuncle almost anywhere in the human body, but most often observed on the face, neck, back, hips, buttocks and requires compulsory treatment.

The causes of furuncles on the face

The face is the most visible part of the human body to the world, so the appearance of pimples on it is already perceived as a catastrophe. What can we say about furuncles, which look worse and are treated longer.

It is necessary to understand the causes that affect the appearance of such ugly defects on the face. The main reason is quite common - it is an infection, or rather, the only causative agent - Staphylococcus aureus .

How does the infection penetrate the body, causing a subcutaneous boil on the face? And here certain factors play a role:

Do not treat this problem lightly, because this inflammation is fraught with serious complications and requires the obligatory intervention of a doctor who will determine whether removal of the furuncle is necessary on the face or conservative methods can be used. Such complications include inflammation of the facial veins, abscess or phlegmon of the perioral and near-nasal regions, meningitis and septicemia.

How to distinguish a furuncle from a pimple?

Due to specific symptoms, the furuncle on the face can be distinguished from something else. Inflammation begins with the appearance of a dense nodule under the skin, accompanied by a slight tingling and itching. Approximately in a day the inflamed area already rises above a skin in the form of a cone and becomes bright red color. At this stage, the furuncle is sharply painful and a portion of pus with a point of necrosis in the middle is visible on the tip of the cone. At this time, the general condition of the body may worsen, and the body temperature may rise.

In the next stage, the tip breaks, and the pus comes out together with the stem and hair from the inflamed follicle. After this, the wound is cleared and healing begins. The defect is overgrown, but in its place remains a pale embroidered scar.

How to cure a boil on the face?

The main principle of treatment for an abscess is not to squeeze it out in any case. It is during extrusion that the risk of the complications described above increases, since pus can penetrate deeper than the subcutaneous area.

Removal of pus is a prerequisite, so sometimes this may require surgery. This manipulation is carried out under anesthesia, after which drainage is put for a while for a complete outflow of pus and carried out antiseptic treatment of the wound to avoid re-infection. With frequent relapses of boils on the face the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, because otherwise the infection can not cope.

Treatment of a furuncle on the face of the house

At home, you can treat a boil at the face, and at other places, provided you consult a doctor. Usually the doctor will advise first of all to remove all hair around the inflamed area. Then, on disinfected skin, Ichthyol or Levomycol-type ointments are applied, which accelerate and soften the removal of pus. After the rejection of the rod on the wound, bandages are applied with a special antibiotic-containing ointment from the furuncles on the face, which accelerate the healing process and eliminate residual inflammation.