What is the apple tree dreaming about?

A dream is an amazing state when a person ceases to feel himself in the real world and goes to an amazing and sometimes terrible journey. It has long been the opinion that every dream is something that indicates, most importantly: to know what. For example, how to understand what an apple tree or some other tree is dreaming about.

An apple tree in real life is loved by many of us for the beauty and beautiful fruits that give health, strength and youth.

Why dream apple-tree with ripe apples?

  1. If you saw a healthy apple tree in a dream, it means that all the things started will have a successful completion.
  2. An apple tree can be a harbinger of good news.
  3. A tree with ripe fruits foreshadows good news and success in all matters that will end in a solid monetary addition.

What is the apple tree with big apples dreaming about?

Interpreters of dreams do not have a common opinion. Some believe that this is an exceptionally good dream. According to others, you need to pay attention not only to the size, but also to the color and condition of the fruit.

What is the apple tree with green apples dreaming about?

It is important to pay attention to the color, and he, in this case, predicts some sadness for someone who sees such fruits in a dream. It is clear that corrupted or rotten apples, although very large, can hardly foretell anything good. On the contrary, the larger they are, the more trouble awaits a person. Sour cherry fruit also pose big problems .

Why dream about planting an apple tree?

Some dream books claim that such a dream predicts an increase in the living space of the person to whom he dreams, and others believe that he is a testament to the desire to establish a personal life.