18 accurately noticed situations, familiar only to members of a large family

How wonderful to be born in a large, full-fledged and friendly family. Only among relatives you feel true love and care, and most importantly - you realize cohesion and moral support.

But with all the positive characteristics of the "big family", it is children who face complex situations that are difficult to explain. They can only be felt and experienced by yourself. If you dream of a big family with several brothers and sisters, then first of all find out what you have to face, whether you want it or not!

1. You will never have time for your own interests and hobbies, if all your brothers or sisters live under the same roof.

Sorry, but what is personal space?

2. In your parents' home, the rule will always be the rule: "If you did not have time to eat food in 5 minutes, you were hungry at all."

I grew up with Monica, if you did not eat fast, then you did not eat!

Unfortunately, the chance to intercept the remains of food in a large family is not great. Because there are no leftovers!

3. Oh, do not forget about the delights of waiting forever for your turn to the bathroom!

4. In a large family, you will learn what "sniffing" food is.

Yes, hiding the goodies for you will become familiar. If, of course, you want to have time to try them!

5. Products in the refrigerator will "go away" at a frantic pace. You will hardly even have time to look into the refrigerator.

Therefore, adhere to the previous advice and hide food.

6. The most beautiful entertainment for you will be washing dishes. You will genuinely hate this affair.

Although, in principle, anyone would not like to wash so many dishes. Even if you have a dishwasher, you have to load 3 times a day a few dozen plates, mugs and other cutlery.

7. The theme of clothes in a large family is generally very easy to solve: the younger ones wear out for the elders. Even under the condition of different sizes of clothes.

Do you happen to have no more clothes, or do you dress only in the department for babies !?

Therefore, you can forget about fashion trends and news of the textile industry.

8. You will never fit in one car.

And the worst of it, if you have to ride on the knees of an older sister or brother.

9. And others will call you not by name, but as "the younger brother of such and such." And it's really annoying.

It's not my name!

10. Your head will turn into a huge information store, because you will be required to know all the ins and outs of your brothers and sisters.

I do not know the answer to this question!

But in principle to the question "And when is the birthday of your sister (or brother)?" You can answer that for such purposes there are social networks.

11. On a walk among all other people you will be the noisiest and will attract too much attention.

This is inevitable. And you can hardly change it.

12. When your family wants to meet your friends or half, your life motto will be: "I pretend that they are all normal."

You are such an eccentric

Agree, it is difficult to explain to a stranger some stupid family joke.

13. Everywhere only one question will be pursued from all those around you who can not fully believe in the number of your brothers and sisters.

And, of course, they will decide that your family is Baptist.

14. Always on holidays, you will rack your brains over what to buy as a gift to all your relatives when there is a catastrophic lack of money.

Particularly fatally, the situation will look like if the family council decides who needs what gift. And here, anyway, you have to buy!

15. Your friends are always a little proud that they can list the names of all your brothers and sisters in descending order.

I'm not proud of it. Well, if only a little bit.

To tell you the truth, you yourself will be shocked by such "tricks" of your friends.

16. Attempts to make a family photo will fail. And such attempts will be very much!

Because necessarily someone will either blink or fail unsuccessfully in the photo.

17. And if you do not get a decent family photo, then you can never add it to the social network.

So someone will be cut in the photo!

18. But despite all the small shortcomings of a big family, you will never want to trade it for a smaller family!