Complex exercises in the home

Classes in the sports club give us many advantages. Firstly, we can not but do the exercises, because we are watched by the watchful eye of the coach. Secondly, we paid money for classes and just lie on the rug - it's an empty waste of them. Thirdly, the commonality of classes in the group facilitates the exercises. Looking at the tense faces of neighbors on the rug, it becomes somehow easier.

On the other hand, we do not always have the opportunity to attend a sports club. This is especially true for young mothers who can not leave home for long. If you have enough willpower and desire to perform fitness at home, exercises are not difficult to pick. Home fitness can be no less effective with a responsible approach. To help you all kinds of sports equipment, which in our time in the range is presented in sports stores. But in home studies, the main thing is internal discipline . You need to set a goal - every two days, give at least half an hour of fitness. In contrast to the sports club, at home you can perform classes for your favorite music or watching the next series of the series. This is not a pleasure!

Home fitness classes must start with the choice of sports equipment. For full fitness in your home arsenal should be a variety of adaptations.

Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells are an indispensable attribute of home fitness. They can participate not only in exercises for the chest and hands. For the first classes it is advisable to choose light dumbbells up to 5 kg in weight. Dumbbells exist in rubber or vinyl, both are comfortable and will not slip out of hand. During the exercise with dumbbells do not make sudden movements, everything should be smooth.

Exercises with dumbbells tonify and strengthen the muscular corset, improve the relief of the hands. One of the most popular are squats with dumbbells. During this exercise, it is most important to keep your back straight, to reduce the strain on the spine.

Exercises for the hands - this is the simplest thing that you can do in combination with dumbbells. Dumbbell lifts can be both on the bent hands, and on the elongated. However, do not try to outdo yourself and do more than your opportunities allow.

Pelvic lifts with a load of dumbbells will strengthen the action of the buttocks. After all, the weight increases and the load increases. Just put your hands with dumbbells on your hips, and make smooth ups of the pelvis.

Exercises with fitball

Fitness training at home can also be done using a gym ball. This attribute of a healthy lifestyle has become very popular since the last century. It is also called fitball and is used in curative gymnastics for the back. On such a ball you can do any exercises: for the press, for the hips and buttocks, for the chest and arms, for the back. Here are a few options that will help you formulate a set of fitness exercises at home.

Let's start with the press. Strengthen the abdominal muscles will help lift, lying on the ball. Balancing on the fitball will facilitate the exercise on the press, because the ball pushes upwards, helping to make the ascents.

To improve the relief of the hips enough to roll over on the stomach. To do this, with your hands on the floor, make smooth lifts of your legs up, with this simple exercise the muscles of the buttocks and the place where the cellulite that we hate so much are strengthened.

Hands and chest can be strengthened with the following exercise. Just sit in the lotus position or stand at full height, place the ball in front of you and squeeze it with both hands. Do you feel how your chest muscles tighten? Hence, everything is doing right.

Having a fitball at home will help keep you in shape without much effort, and classes on fitball will be enjoyed with pleasure. When buying such a home helper, you need to pay attention to the height. So, if you sit on the fitball, your legs should be at a right angle with the floor. This is a guarantee of the correct size of the ball.

Home Fitness

Home fitness for weight loss is not only in special exercises. After all, in fitness you can turn even cleaning the apartment. So, it is advisable not to use the mop, but also do not crawl on the floor on your knees. The most effective exercise for home fitness is moving in a squat on the toes, while the back of the thigh is massaged, which is the prevention of cellulite.

In general, home fitness gives us another advantage. After all, we can choose exactly the exercises that we like, and form our own complex, which we can not do in group classes in the sports club. There is only one thing left - desire and self-discipline.