What is the family for the child?

The family, according to the canons, should play a major role in the development of the child. However, in practice, far from all families, children receive the necessary conditions for full physical, mental and spiritual development. This concerns not only the families recognized as unfavorable. The family, perceived by adults as good, can not look like the child's eyes. About how the child perceives the child and about the problems that exist in the upbringing of children today, we will tell further.

Does a child need a family?

According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child has the right to a family. The family is obliged to create for the child all the conditions for the development of his abilities, to ensure his needs, to respect his opinion and not to expose the child to exploitation and discrimination.

In dysfunctional families, children are not given the opportunity to exercise their rights. Not all opportunities for proper development are received by children living in single-parent families, where the remaining parent has to pay more attention to financial support for the child.

It also happens that in well-off families the child also does not receive a full-fledged intellectual development.

Authoritarian education and constant monitoring have not the best impact on the development of the child in the family. If the child is by nature a leader, he will desperately resist this and the result will be his nervousness, anxiety, self-doubt and so on. If the constant control is expressed in a hyperope, the child, unable to make decisions independently and to comprehend what is happening to him, grows weak-willed, capricious and dependent on his parents.

In a prosperous family, communication with the child may not be at the proper level. Parents, by virtue of their employment or their education, do not pay this aspect of attention, practically giving the child to themselves. On the one hand, the child has the opportunity to develop the imagination and self-understanding of the world, but, on the other hand, he grows up with the feeling that he was not loved. He can become alienated and indifferent to the manifestations of emotion in other people.

Sometimes parents, while giving their child to the garden and to school, write it down along the way to numerous mugs and sections. On the one hand, it is good for the development of the child, but it is impossible to fill all of his time. In order for him to grow up as a harmonious person, it is important for him to spend time with his parents in joint games, classes and simple communication. In the circles, gardens and school, the child will not be able to provide the necessary parental care and support.

The influence of the family on child development

The importance of the family in the child's life is colossal: the family acts as an institution for the socialization of the child. In this regard, parents need to properly approach the education of their children. The problems of the upbringing of children faced in modern families cause a lot of debates on the part of educators and psychologists. At the same time, there are a few strict points that parents should adhere to so that everyone in the family can feel comfortable, and the child could receive everything that is necessary for his development.

At a younger age, parents during the game need to pay attention to the child, directing it, but strict control over the performance of certain actions is not needed. It is necessary to leave space for independent knowledge, comprehension the child of the world and the development of his imagination.

One should also remember the aesthetic education of children in the family. To acquaint the child with the world of the beautiful and spiritual should the parents. It is important not only to acquaint the child with the works of others, but also to give him the opportunity to try his hand at modeling, drawing, singing, etc.

As the child grows up, it is equally important to give him the opportunity to make his own decisions and develop in what is interesting to him. At the same time, one can not leave the child alone with his problems and fears. He should always know and feel that if he does not succeed, an adult will be next to him who will support him and help him.