Cold with breastfeeding at mom - the safest and fastest treatment

Nobody is immune to diseases. Colds with breastfeeding in mom - a common phenomenon. Some women, faced with such a health problem, believe that you need to immediately accustom the crumb to the mixes. They are afraid that the baby can become infected with further contact with the mother. However, pediatricians do not share this view.

What should I do if my lactating mother gets a cold?

No need to panic! Correctly organized treatment of a cold with breastfeeding in mom will help in a short time to put a woman on her feet. From the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease may take several days. During this period the woman, not suspecting that the cold at the GW attacked her, continues to actively communicate with the crumb and his own. As a result, by the time when mom finds the first symptoms of a disease (runny nose, heat), the baby will have time to get a "dose" of pathogens. That is why it is necessary to act wisely.

Cold with GV - how not to infect the baby?

You can not completely separate a woman with a crumb. This will negatively affect the condition of both. If the nursing mother is sick with a cold, you can protect the baby from the disease with the help of such activities:

  1. Protective gauze bandage. This mask prevents the outbreak of harmful bacteria. Change it every 2-3 hours.
  2. Regular airing of the room. This will help reduce the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the air. You should open the window for 15 minutes every 4-5 hours.
  3. Quartz. You can conduct such an event not more than once in 2 days.
  4. Humidification of air in the room. For this purpose, a special household appliance (humidifier) ​​can be used. It is also important to regularly wet the room.
  5. Lubricating the baby's nose with Oksolin Ointment. Do this every 2 hours.
  6. Washing hands with soap. The maximum of bacteria is just on the palms, so they need to be disinfected before each contact with a crumb.
  7. Tazhke need to remove from the field of view of the baby objects of individual use of women. These include nosovichki, cup, towel and so on.

Can I breast-feed for a cold?

The organism of the mother during this period produces protective antibodies. When breastfeeding, the baby receives them from the mother and milk. For this reason, pediatricians do not recommend stopping lactation. In addition, a sharp rejection of breastfeeding is fraught with such problems:

If a cold has a breastfeeding mother, she should follow the following rules for breastfeeding:

  1. It is necessary to continue lactation. This will strengthen the immune forces of the baby's body.
  2. Do not treat milk thermally. Some mothers express and boil milk. Do this not necessary, because during the heat treatment it will lose most of the nutrients.
  3. At the first symptoms, indicating that the baby is sick, there is no need to treat it separately. He will get everything he needs with milk.

What can you do with a cold mother?

There is a definite tactic for treating such an ailment. Before the start of therapy, you should visit a doctor. He will tell you what to treat a cold with breastfeeding. Therapy of the disease is reduced to the following manipulations:

  1. Bed rest. You can not carry the disease on your feet. During the struggle against the disease, the female body must fully rest and gain strength.
  2. Abundant drinking regime. This will help reduce the temperature and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  3. Light meals. It is necessary to refuse heavy food, because for its processing the body will spend too much energy. If you have a cold while breastfeeding with your mother, she has better light meals. Such food will not worsen the quality of milk.

Than to lower temperature to feeding mum at cold?

Use antipyretic agents can only be after agreement with the doctor. Do not bring down the temperature, which is less than 38.5 ° C. During this period, a biochemical reaction takes place in the body, which is aimed at eliminating the source of the lesion. If the temperature is high, treatment for a cold with breastfeeding can be done with Paracetamol. It is forbidden to use combined drugs (Rince, Coldrex and so on). In addition, drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid are contraindicated.

What kind of medication can a nursing mother with a cold?

Not all medicines are safe for the baby. Only the doctor can unequivocally tell, than treat a cold to feeding mum, not to do much harm to a crumb. In therapy, a woman must strictly observe the prescribed dosage. If your mother coughs hard, here are some cold medicines for breastfeeding that can be prescribed:

To facilitate breathing and reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa, that's what to cure a cold with GV:

Than to gargle at GV?

This procedure is aimed at reducing pain. At the first signs of the disease, rinsing should be done every 1-1.5 hours. Here's what to cure for a cold with breastfeeding:

If a cold appears during breastfeeding, mom should have such local antiseptic drugs at hand:

Treatment of common cold with breastfeeding

Such therapy is considered the safest. However, she must be selected with the mind, so as not to harm the crumb. For example, the abuse of honey with weakened immunity of the baby can cause him to be allergic or lead to food poisoning. Very effective chamomile when breastfeeding with a cold. This medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. You can brew chamomile tea and drink it.

How to treat a cold with breastfeeding milk with figs?


Preparation, use:

  1. Milk is boiling.
  2. Figs are cut into small pieces.
  3. Add the dried fruit to the milk and, reducing the fire to a small one, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool the drug to room temperature and drink (pieces of figs swallow). This "drug" helps with sore throat.