Nail bruise on hand - what to do?

Suddenly getting a bruised nail on the finger, not everyone can navigate, what should be done while doing this in the first place. And, by the way, it is from the promptness of actions in such a situation that the further course of the trauma and recovery after it largely depends. Therefore, to know what the first aid should be in case of a bruise of the nail due to a strong blow, jamming, etc., will not prevent everyone.

How to treat a bruised nail on the arm?

After getting a bruise under the injured fingernail, a hemorrhage occurs, as a result of which the blood accumulates in one place, presses on the nail plate and separates it from the nail bed. This process should be stopped as soon as possible, acting as follows:

  1. Ensure the injured finger cold - place for at least 3 minutes in cold water, snow, apply ice wrapped in cheesecloth, or any cold object. This helps block capillary bleeding and reduce pain.
  2. To prevent the development of infectious processes, it is necessary to disinfect the site of the bruise and surrounding tissues. To do this, you can use any antiseptic in the form of a solution: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, iodine, etc.
  3. The next step should be the imposition of a tight pressure bandage (as an alternative - the use of adhesive plaster).
  4. Then, as soon as possible, you should go to a medical institution where you can determine if there is a fracture of your finger, and if necessary, pierce the nail to release the accumulated blood.

Follow-up treatment

The tactician of further treatment will be determined by a specialist. So, the patient can be recommended the use of heparin ointment , compresses with dimexide and novocaine, anesthetics and other medications. Hand with a bruised nail should be kept in peace, especially in the first couple of days after the injury.