How to teach a child to write beautifully?

Each person has an individual handwriting, which is developed over many years. In elementary school, students learn to write, mastering calligraphy for children, and then polish this skill for a long time, writing dictations, compositions and presentations. However, the beautiful, legible handwriting of an adult person is a rather rare phenomenon.

Many parents of preschoolers and children of primary school age are wondering how to teach their child to write beautifully, accurately and competently. This is not an easy task, but it is entirely within the power of caring parents. The main thing in this issue is purposefulness, patience and observance of certain rules, which will be discussed below.

How to put a child's handwriting?

To begin with, training should not start too early. Parents who are so proud of successes in the writing of their 4-5-year-old child often grab at their heads: when they go to school, the kid starts to write, "like a chicken with a paw", quickly gets tired, does not try. The reason for this is the unpreparedness of the child's hand to write at such an early age. Still, it's not for nothing that the children used to go to school at the age of 7 and only in the first grade they studied the letter. In order to learn calligraphy, a child must have developed a fine motor skills. You have to do this from the earliest age. Training fine motor skills - this is any exercise that involves fingers: drawing, modeling, applications, finger games, etc.

When the child opens the first prescriptions, parents should be especially attentive. This is the key moment of forming the skill to write beautifully. If you miss it, correcting the child's handwriting will be much more difficult, because, as a rule, habits in childhood are formed very quickly.

So, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The child's landing at the desk must correspond to the norms (the back is even, both hands lie on the surface of the table, the head is slightly tilted).
  2. Ensure that the child holds the handle correctly. If the writing instrument is in the wrong position, the hand quickly becomes tired, the letters turn out to be uneven, and the child gradually develops a poor handwriting.
  3. If the kid has difficulties, do not scold him for it, do not raise his voice or punish him. Everyone is prone to make mistakes, especially for children during their studies. Your task is to help overcome difficulties, and this can only be achieved through careful attitudes and practical advice.
  4. When a child draws sticks and scribbles, and then begins the first letters, be close and control the process. In the future, also do not let the students take their own lessons: always check the homework of your first-graders, since it is still difficult for a child to write both beautifully and correctly, and his written speech may contain errors.

Correction of handwriting in children

Correction of handwriting in children is much more complicated than the initial teaching of writing. But you can improve the handwriting of the child, and this should be done as soon as he begins to deteriorate. With the correction of handwriting, patience, both in children and parents, is an important point. The following are the methods by which the handwriting can be significantly improved. They are very simple, but they require great care and perseverance.

  1. The method of "tracing paper". Buy paper-tracing paper and offer the child, putting it on top of the prescription, circling letters. This gives a good effect: a skill is developed to perceive and then reproduce the letters correctly. Each letter needs to "work out" long enough until the skill becomes automatic.
  2. Do not buy ordinary prescriptions, but print them from the Internet. In standard notebooks, each letter is given a strictly limited number of lines, while your child may need much more. Let the child write a line by line, sheet by sheet, until the hand "remembers" the movement.
  3. When all the exercises are completed, you should consolidate your skills by writing dictations.

It is not enough for one month and even a year to teach a child to write beautifully, but it's worth it. After all, a beautiful, neat handwriting - the face of every schoolboy!