What should a child be able to do in 2 years?

The development of a child of early years directly depends on the adults surrounding him. Every period of a baby's life is very important, because it is associated with certain knowledge, skills and abilities that a child needs to acquire at a certain age. When parents actively help in the development of their two-year-old fidgeting, the formation of a harmonious personality is guaranteed. Do not forget that in 2 years he must already have sufficient knowledge. The mastering of much, as a rule, occurs intuitively. However, parents must know the norms of child development in 2 years.

The features of the development of a child of 2 years given in the article are similar for most children, but not for everyone. After all, each child's growing up is individual and determined by many factors. Therefore, do not worry if your child does not know how to do something yet. With time and with your help, he will learn this necessarily.

So, what components includes the early development of children 2 years old?

Physical development of a child of 2 years

At this age, the coordination and coordination of movements is the first place. The better a crumb knows his body (can control it, manage it), the easier it will be to know the world around him, mastering new activities for himself. Coordination of movements includes the development of small and large motor skills.

Fine motor skills means smooth, precise movements of hands, their coordination with vision. By the age of 2 years the child should be able to:

Major motor skills are all movements associated with the movement of the body in space. By 2 years old baby:

At this age, right-or left-handedness begins to develop. But the final result can be learned by 5 years. The main task of parents now is to continue to provide the baby with freedom to train coordination of movements, develop dexterity. Much attention should be paid to the development of fine motor skills, since in 2 years there is a direct link between it and the development of speech.

Mental development of a child of 2 years

Assess the degree of development in a child to two years of mental processes can be on the following indicators:

Development of speech of the child of 2 years

Speech largely determines the intellectual development of a two-year-old child. Now it develops simultaneously in several directions:

Self-service skills of a child in 2 years

It should be noted that in 2 years self-service skills become very important. By the age of two, the child must be able to:

Even if your baby still does not know how to do this, do not worry, try to help him master this skill. And maybe he knows a lot more!