When do I start brushing my teeth?

Young parents always pay special attention to issues that concern the child's personal hygiene. And so, when the baby starts to erupt the first teeth, the problem arises - when can I start brushing my teeth to a child?

Pediatricians and dentists recommend starting to take care of teeth crumbs from the very beginning. Erroneous is the opinion of parents that baby teeth do not need daily care, because they will soon fall out, and in their place will grow permanent. But, it should be noted that the health of molars depends directly on the state of milk.

How to properly brush your teeth for children?

  1. To clean the baby's teeth, you should use gauze, which is wetted in boiled warm water. With time, a little salt can be added to the water to prevent bacteria from multiplying on the surface of the teeth.
  2. When the child turns one year old, you can purchase a special toothbrush with rubber spikes.
  3. A brush with soft artificial bristles can be used only if the baby has more than 12 milk teeth.
  4. Do not use toothpastes to clean the teeth until the child's age of two years.

How to brush your teeth a year-old child?

Kids of this age need constant oral hygiene, regardless of the number of teeth. If you started caring for your child's teeth from the moment they just cut through, then by the year the baby will get used to feeling a clean mouth. Unfortunately, the child does not manage to perform this procedure on his own, and he needs parental help. A one-year-old baby needs his own toothbrush with rubber studs. Teeth to small children should be cleaned with cautious, circular and wavy movements, in order not to injure the gums and not to damage the tender enamel of the baby's teeth. If the child does not brush his teeth, then it will be more convenient for you to use a toothbrush with an elastic bristle that is worn over a finger to an adult. Or you can use ordinary gauze soaked in a saline solution.

How to teach and teach a child to brush his teeth?

Initially, do this procedure instead, demonstrate to a small child how to properly brush your teeth. Dampen the toothbrush in boiled water and poke it over the child's teeth. Over time, the baby will become interested, then let him try it on his own. Show how it is necessary to use a toothbrush, directing his hand movements. Be patient - your baby only knows the world around him and he needs your support. Do this for as many days or weeks as your child needs to understand and consolidate the brushing skill. Usually, by the age of two the child can clean his teeth by himself, but certainly under the strict control of the parents.

How to force a child if he does not want to brush his teeth?

Each parent, sooner or later, meets with the problem of brushing his teeth. If your child does not want to brush his teeth, you need to make this procedure more fun and interesting for him. It is necessary to find a special approach that would motivate your baby to the daily ritual of cleansing. Think of some rhymes or songs, and accompany them with rhythmic movements of the brush. Turn this procedure for a child into an exciting game, for example - brush the teeth together with some toy. If for the kid it will be a fascinating process, then he will be happy to wait for the next tooth brushing.

Remember that regular oral hygiene in children is the key to success in the prevention of dental caries and its complications, which is important for the health of dairy and molars!