The child has a toothache - how to help the baby?

Not always, when a child has a toothache, it is possible to quickly seek medical help, because this trouble can happen at night or somewhere in nature, far from "civilization." Therefore, parents need to know how to solve the problem that has arisen, which can be given to a child from a toothache, at least for a temporary relief of the condition.

Why does the child have a toothache?

Toothache in a child can be observed at any age - from the moment of eruption of the first milk incisors and after changing them to permanent ones. It's easier when children already know how to clearly express their feelings and can say that, where and how they are hurting. Recognize the pain in the teeth in toddlers is not easy, but this may indicate such symptoms:

Even more difficult is for parents to find out the cause of the toothache, which is very important in order to understand how to proceed further. In some cases, after examination of the oral cavity, even a layman becomes clear the diagnosis, since Symptoms are pronounced brightly. Sometimes there are no obvious pathological manifestations in the mouth, but the pain is present, and it may not be connected with the teeth at all.

Why do children have toothaches?

People who are far from medical science doubt whether the baby's teeth hurt in children and whether there are any nerve endings in them at all. It is worthwhile to understand that the structure of the developed dairy tooth is identical to that of the permanent tooth, as in adults. Therefore, it has a pulp, and nerve fibers, and a network of capillaries, hidden under the tooth enamel and dentin. Therefore, in the case of damage to the upper tissues of the tooth, the appearance of pain is an adequate reaction of the body signaling an unwholesome one. In addition, soreness can be caused by damage to the gingival tissues that come into contact with the tooth.

If a child has a dairy toothache, the likely reasons for this may be:

  1. Caries is a pathological infectious process in which solid dental tissues are destroyed with the formation of a gradually increasing cavity (pain, aching and pulsating, occurs under the influence of irritants - cold or hot food, sweets, etc.).
  2. Pulpit is a lesion of the inner soft tissues of the tooth, often a complication of caries or a consequence of trauma (soreness often manifests spontaneously, has a long character).
  3. Periodontitis - infectious and inflammatory damage of deep soft tissues adjacent to the dental root, associated with neglected or incorrectly treated caries , pulpitis, trauma (pain intense, increasing when touched by the tooth).
  4. Periostitis is a purulent-inflammatory process in which solid tissues of the periosteum of the jaw are involved, which in most cases are a consequence of the carious process (pain is severe, accompanied by swelling of the gums and cheeks).
  5. Periodontitis, gingivitis - pathological inflammatory processes affecting the gingival tissues (pain accompanied by redness, swelling of the gums, sometimes - the appearance of purulent discharge, unpleasant odor).
  6. Enamel erosion is a non-carious lesion of hard tooth tissues, children often associated with poor oral hygiene, bruxism , acidic juice, digestive system diseases (pain as a reaction to irritating factors, defects in the form of dark spots on the surface of the teeth).

Why does the child have a healthy tooth?

Acute toothache in a child can have no odontogenic origin, i.e. conditioned not by problems with teeth or gums, but by other pathologies. Soreness that gives to the area of ​​the jaw and teeth can be observed with such diseases as sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis, less often - with neuralgia of the facial nerve, lesion of the cervical spine. In such cases, to identify the cause, attention should be paid to other symptoms and complaints of the baby. A completely "harmless" cause of soreness is sometimes the eruption of permanent teeth instead of dairy.

The tooth is aching in the child after treatment

It happens that a toothache is bad for a child after a visit to the dentist. Sometimes this is a normal reaction to the interventions performed, and the pain subsides on its own for one or several days (less often - weeks). It also happens that unpleasant and painful sensations arise because of medical errors:

The child has a toothache and fever

An alarm symptom is the temperature in the child's toothache, which probably indicates the development of an acute infectious process. In this case, the causative factor may be associated with the dentoalveolar system, and be beyond its limits. This combination of manifestations, when a child has a toothache, is not only painful for a crumb, but also very dangerous, so you should seek medical help at the earliest opportunity.

The child has a toothache - what to do?

At home, to cure diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissues or other pathologies, in which pain gives to the jaw area, is impossible. Therefore, the only thing to think about when a child has a toothache is what to anesthetize for temporarily improving the baby's condition. The means and methods used must not only be effective, but also not dangerous. In no case should heat be applied to the source of unpleasant sensations.

It is recommended to take the following actions:

  1. Clean the child's teeth, rinse the mouth with water to remove food debris.
  2. Apply a cold compress (any frozen product wrapped in polyethylene and a thin towel) to the cheek on the affected side.
  3. Lay the child by raising the head of the bed above.
  4. Distract the child by play, book, cartoon.

Tablets from toothache for children

If the above measures do not bring relief, you can give an anesthetic for toothache for children. It is acceptable to use the following drugs of systemic action in the age-related dosage (preferably in the form of a syrup or suspension):

Drops from toothache for children

If you are looking to give a child a toothache, and there is an opportunity to visit the pharmacy, you can buy special anesthetic drops of local action. This is an emergency aid that not only stops soreness, but also reduces inflammation, disinfects. These drugs include:

Any medicine for toothache for children from the above is only allowed to use when you reach the age of twelve. For younger children it is recommended to use local preparations in the gel form:

How to remove toothache folk remedies?

Some folk methods from toothache can be used when a child has a bad toothache. Here are the most effective and harmless ones for babies:

  1. Rinse with a solution of soda or table salt at room temperature (a teaspoon on a glass of water).
  2. Rinse slightly warm infusion of chamomile, sage, calendula (pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist a quarter of an hour).
  3. In the presence of a carious cavity - moisten a piece of cotton wool with mint oil and put it in the cavity.
  4. Apply a piece of propolis to the tooth.