The child has increased segment neutrophils

Already in the first months of a newborn baby's life, some mothers have to deal with the need to donate their blood for laboratory tests. First, the analysis must be done on a scheduled basis; secondly, the control of these data helps to correct the treatment of a number of diseases, and thirdly, this form is a "pass" to children's educational institutions.

Norm and deviations

Often, pediatricians do not consider it necessary to decipher to parents mysterious and obscure figures, which is full of analysis blank. That is why it is extremely useful to know what this or that indicator means. One of them is the neutrophil count, a type of white blood cell. These bodies in the blood are represented by two species. The first type is the stab neutrophils, named so because of their elongated shape. The second type is the same neutrophils, but have reached maturity. Segmented neutrophils, which are part of the immune system, are responsible for the fact that the organism, attacked by bacteria and viruses, will come into conflict with them. Along with these white blood cells, this function is performed by monocytes, and basophils, and lymphocytes, and eosinophils.

The norm of segmented neutrophils in children, whose age is within two to five years, ranges from 32 to 55% of the number of leukocytes in human blood. And this means that it is the segmented neutrophils that are the most important component of the immunity of both an adult and a newborn baby. By the way, their number from the moment of birth gradually decreases.

If a child has segmental neutrophils in his blood, that is, their index is higher than normal, then there is a possibility that the kid is sick. Such results of laboratory blood tests may indicate bacterial infection, otitis , pneumonia, blood infection, the presence of a purulent focus and even leukemia. Increase of segmented neutrophils in the blood in children - a signal about the presence of an active inflammatory process. In rare cases, minor abnormalities are associated with overeating, stress, or excessive physical exertion.

Now you know some rules used to decipher the results of a general blood test. If the district pediatrician or family doctor has not explained the neutrophil indicator in detail, you yourself will know if there is any cause for concern about the health of the child.