Fetal hypotrophy

Hypotrophy of the fetus is a mismatch between the physical parameters of the fetus and the duration of pregnancy. In other words, the fetus is lagging behind in any of the characteristics. There is also another name - the syndrome of intrauterine growth retardation, in any case, this condition requires careful diagnosis and treatment.

Types of fetal hypotrophy

Physicians distinguish two types of fetal hypotrophy - symmetrical and asymmetric. In the first case, the pathology is observed in the early stages of pregnancy. Symmetric hypotrophy is expressed in the fact that all the organs of the fetus are evenly smaller than the sizes laid for a given period.

Asymmetric fetal hypotrophy is a condition in which only a few organs lag behind. As a rule, this form of pathology is observed in the third trimester. So, for example, the head, body and limbs of the child are developed normally, while the internal organs (kidneys, liver) are smaller than the normal size.

In addition to the two species, hypotrophy of the first degree , the second and third is distinguished. In the first case, the backlog in development does not exceed two weeks. It is worth noting that the diagnosis of intrauterine growth of the first degree, usually after childbirth is not confirmed, which is due to the genetic characteristics of the parents or inaccurately established term of pregnancy.

Fetal hypotrophy of the 2nd degree is a delay of development in 2 - 4 weeks. This condition can not be a mistake, let alone a norm, and therefore requires constant monitoring and inpatient treatment. Hypotrophy of the third degree is a neglected and dangerous condition, in which the fetus is almost completely depleted.

Causes of fetal hypotrophy

Intrauterine fetal hypotrophy can be caused by several reasons, while the nature of the factors is also varied. Pathology often appears through the fault of the mother, who leads the wrong way of life: consumes alcohol, smokes, eats little. Also, the causes may be infectious diseases, heart disease, kidney disease, endocrine system.

Among other factors that cause hypotrophy, we can note the pathology of the placenta: detachment, trauma, inflammation, improper location. In addition, the delay in intrauterine development causes multiple pregnancies and fetal infectious diseases.

Signs of fetal malnutrition

Symmetric hypotrophy occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, while asymmetric development delay appears only after 27-28 weeks. Gynecologist will be able to detect hypotrophy during external examination, for which the abdominal circumference is measured, as well as the height of the uterine fundus .

To confirm the diagnosis, a pregnant woman must undergo ultrasound, which can more accurately determine the type and stage of hypotrophy. It is worth noting that regular check-ups and timely treatment in the women's consultation will help to identify or even prevent the development of a delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Treatment and consequences of fetal hypotrophy

It is worth noting that the first stage hypotrophy is practically not dangerous for the baby. While the delay in the development of the second and third stages are serious diseases, which are difficult to treat. As a rule, a woman is placed in a hospital, where treatment is conducted, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Hypotrophy in any form is easier to prevent than treat. During pregnancy planning, it is necessary to be examined for possible infections, as well as to receive preventive treatment for chronic diseases. In addition, a woman should abandon bad habits and closely monitor the diet of her diet.