Why are the bones of children more elastic and elastic?

Almost all children, when they have just learned to walk, constantly fall and hit. There are cases of falls and very small crumbs, which turned out to be only a month or two. Young mothers are very worried about their child, they worry whether the strong bones of a month or year-old child are enough, but in most cases, even serious strokes do without serious consequences.

Fractures in childhood also occur rarely, in contrast to older people. Grandparents sometimes simply enough to stumble to instantly break a leg. So with what is it connected? Let us understand why the bones of children are more elastic and elastic than bones of adults and elderly people.

Features of the structure of bones in children

The chemical composition of the bones of a small child and an adult is quite different. The bones of children contain more organic substances and fewer inorganic substances than the skeleton of the pope or mother. In this case, organic substances are understood to be various compounds, which contain carbon, inorganic, on the contrary, do not contain carbon. During the growing-up period, the chemical composition of the child's bony system is constantly changing - the concentration of salts of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other minerals considerably increases, and, in addition, the ratio between them varies.

By the way, in a newborn baby, inorganic substances make up just under half of the total weight of bone, while in an adult it is about 80%.

Also, the bones of the skeleton of children contain more cartilaginous tissue and water, which makes them more flexible and elastic than their parents. That is why any injuries associated with bruises and bone fractures in children heal much faster.

Meanwhile, due to the incredible elasticity of the bone system in the youngest children, various distortions and deformations often occur. Normal functioning and development of the children's skeleton and, in particular, the spine, can damage tight swaddling, as well as sleeping on an under-hard mattress.