Where is Argentina?

Many of us in the soul are adventurers, lovers of adventure and unusual travel. And I think, almost every one of us would like to visit Argentina, however, this country is not included in the tourist "top" among our fellow citizens. Moreover, not everyone even knows on which continent or continent it is located.

Where is Argentina?

The country of Argentina is even on the map incredibly beautiful, elongated shape and with immense proportions. It is located immediately in several climatic zones, starting from Antarctica, passing through the icy mountains of Patagonia and vast plains, and ends in the north in the tropical jungle. Argentina is adjacent to Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil , Chile and Bolivia. In the west are the Andean Cordilleras, and in the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

If you decide to visit Argentina, do not limit yourself only to acquaintance with the natural world. Your journey will not be complete if you do not visit Buenos Aires. He is rightly considered the soul and heart of Argentina. It is a rich metropolis with an amazing history full of passion and suffering.

In the northern regions of the country, the colonial rich heritage and the cities of incredible beauty are very harmoniously combined. Here you can visit the Iguazu National Park with a waterfall that is famous throughout the globe.

How to get to Argentina?

You can write about Argentina indefinitely, but it's better to visit there. In our time it is not difficult, especially with such an abundance of airlines. Variants of flight can be different, for example, from Moscow there are daily flights to Buenos Aires with docking in Madrid, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, London.

For the flight, morning flights are ideal, because 15-20 hours of flight, of course, tire. And after so many hours in the air there will come a natural desire - to rest. And the most suitable day for the flight will be Friday. In Argentina, on Saturdays, there are absolutely no traffic jams, so on your first day of rest you will have the opportunity to easily begin to get acquainted with the sights.