Auditory hallucinations

Probably, each person spoke to himself at least once in his life, and experts do not see anything terrible in this. But when a person begins to think that he, in response to a question asked to himself, "Well, when will I start to think what I'm saying", he hears a real voice, and not his own thoughts, they already speak about the presence of auditory hallucinations. The reasons for them may be very different, but most immediately begin to suspect serious mental illness, and this is wrong.

Causes of auditory hallucinations

As already mentioned above, most people associate hallucinations of hearing with serious mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia or mania. And it really can be so, but only an expert can diagnose, therefore, if you observe such phenomena for a long time, you just need to turn to him.

But auditory hallucinations can be caused by a number of other causes, most often this is fatigue , prolonged absence of sleep or taking any psychotropic drugs. Also such a phenomenon can cause medications, in particular, preparations against spasms often give such a side effect. In addition, sound hallucinations can appear with a strong nervous excitement - a fit of jealousy, rage, severe sadness, falling in love, etc. Depressive state can also be accompanied by hearing disorders. Some diseases (Alzheimer's disease) can also be accompanied by sound hallucinations. Ear diseases or low quality hearing aids can also cause a person to hear voices in reality that do not exist.

Sounds causing hallucinations

It is curious that a person himself can induce hallucinations of this kind, it is now not about taking alcohol and other psychotropic substances, but about using sounds that cause hallucinations. There is the so-called Ganzfeld method (from "empty field"), a technique based on the formation of a dream state of consciousness against a background of deep relaxation of the organism. The person is invited to lie down, close his eyes (it is better to wear a mask to sleep so that the light does not distract) and relax, listening to white noise - the sound that the radio emits on an empty frequency. Also an example of white noise is the sound of a waterfall. After a while the person relaxes and sinks into a state related to the phase of deep sleep. But since he really does not sleep and continues to be aware of what is happening, he starts to have hallucinations sound or visual, we can say that in this state a person sees dreams in reality.