How to water the flowers when you go on vacation?

We all go to rest every year. And it's great if you have relatives or good neighbors who will visit your home to water flowers during your absence. If there is no such person, the amateur florist will have to leave the situation in a different way. Let's find out how to water the flowers when you go on vacation.

How to water the flowers on vacation?

The easiest way to take a vacation is to use the automatic watering system, which you can buy in the store. It includes a water tank, a set of thin tubes, and a control system, through which water enters the plants at regular intervals. You will only have to set this necessary time interval, as well as the amount of water supplied, and you can go on vacation even for a month. By your return, the flowers will feel fine.

If you do not have such a miracle watering system, then you will have to resort to folk methods of watering home flowers. However, it should be remembered that these methods will help within a maximum of two weeks of your absence.

As practice shows, you can water your home flowers during your holiday with an old "grandmother's" way. To do this, before leaving, we water the plants abundantly so that the earthenware in the pot is completely impregnated with water. Then we put containers with flowers in a tray or a wide basin filled with a small amount of water. Pay attention that the bottoms of the pots are covered with water. You can fill the pallets with pebbles or large sand instead of water, and then put pots of flowers in them, slightly deepening them. This method is suitable for unpretentious colors: chlorophytum, geranium, balsam or rosula.

For a large capacity with a flower, you can use a plastic bottle. First, we water the flower well. Then, in the cork and bottom of the bottle, red-hot thick needles or an awl do holes. In the bottle, fill the water, close the lid and turn it upside down, fix it in the pot. Water droplets will moisten the soil, and you can safely go on vacation.

Watering such indoor flowers as senpolia , during the holiday is best with a wick watering. To do this, you have to twist the tow from a well-absorbent fabric or take the same cord, one end of which is laid on the soil in the pot, and the opposite one - into a container filled with water. And it will be better if such a vessel is above the pot.

You can use at the time of release hydrogel in the form of balls, which are stacked on top of the soil. Hydrogel, gradually giving up moisture to the ground, will not allow plants to dry out during your vacation.